Proxy Announces Proxy Health to Reopen Offices Safely

COVID-19 test results, vaccination certificates, and identity verification are all available in the Proxy ID app

San Francisco, June 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Silicon Valley-based Proxy unveiled its newest offering, Proxy Health, for employers to reopen offices, meeting the highest level of workplace health pass requirements. 

Proxy designs and builds privacy-first, human-led, identity technologies. Proxy Health allows businesses to re-open offices to employees, visitors, contractors and others that are vaccinated or have recently tested negative, using their smartphone to verify their health status when entering the office or building. This workplace health pass was designed and built to make the experience of checking in at the office as seamless and frictionless as possible while never having to share personal health information. 

Proxy Health meets the highest industry standards for COVID-19 safety protocols. 

“COVID-19 in many ways forced the integration of so many new technologies. As a technology company working on identity, we felt it was our responsibility to create a solution we would want to use ourselves at our workplace as we reopen,” Denis Mars, CEO and Co-Founder of Proxy said. “We needed something that safely and securely allows an employer to verify the health status of their employees, without collecting employees’ personal health information, so we created it: The highest industry standard health pass app on the market, designed and built for the workplace.” 

Proxy is a member of the Good Health Pass Collaborative, a consortium of companies and organizations who share a commitment to restoring international travel and restarting the global economy through the implementation of digital health passes that are privacy-protecting, user controlled, interoperable and, ultimately, universally accepted. The Collaborative is working to build confidence, promote equity and foster collaboration on principle and standards for COVID-19 health pass solutions and recently released the Good Health Pass Interoperability Blueprint, the most comprehensive work to date on this incredibly complex issue.


Proxy has endorsed the Good Health Pass principles as well as the standards outlined in the Blueprint and is committed to incorporating the highest level of user privacy into the Proxy Health solution.

As a privacy-first company, Proxy’s Health solution is designed to enhance user privacy, and “bind” an individual’s identity to their test result or vaccination certificate, thus enabling real-time, fraud-resistant digital verification without having to transmit personal health information to employers or 3rd party systems.

As workplaces slowly start to re-open, it is expected to take years to vaccinate the world’s 7.9 billion people. Widespread testing is an essential public health tool – and one that must continue alongside vaccinations and the ability to verify one’s health status to ensure an equitable return to normal work life conditions.

Proxy Health can be set up in any office or building lobby, takes only minutes to get going and can be used by 10s or 100,000s of employees immediately. 

To start using Proxy Health immediately within their workplace, employers simply use an iPad as a check-in kiosk and download the Proxy Health Check-In app available in the Apple app store that verifies the health status of individuals checking in at the lobby or entrance area.  

Employees download the Proxy ID app from the app store and activate their personal Health Pass within the app. Once activated, the employee can simply tap their phone at the Proxy Health Check-in Kiosk to verify that they are vaccinated or tested negative for entry into the office or building. 

About Proxy

Access More, Share Less. Proxy designs and builds privacy-first, human-led, identity technologies. Proxy products include Proxy ID, Proxy Access, and Proxy Health in addition to a suite of next generation access readers and sensor hardware that enable mobile based credentialed access to be secure, private, and contactless. Proxy has been named as one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies of 2020, The Next Billion Dollar Start-Up in Forbes, and on CNBC’s Upstart 100 list in 2019. With Proxy ID your world is now open.

