A Bite of Meat with Gourmeatly

Los Angeles, Aug. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The way of obtaining necessities is rapidly evolving. In today’s world, people no longer have the time to pick up household goods such as groceries. Delivery services have simplified the entire process of getting common everyday things. So why can’t meat be delivered the same way a box of tissues would be. Lacking the proper technology in the past, this would’ve seemed impossible a few years ago. But with Gourmeatly, all that is about to change. Setting their goals on changing the meat delivery industry, Gourmeatly is changing the approach of obtaining meat in addition to opening people’s insight of what quality meat truly is. 

Having their sights on innovating the meat delivery industry, Gourmeatly has crafted a way for people to get premium cuts of their preferred meats. Ordering your tried and true favorites or a prearranged box, Gourmeatly has an option for everyone. In Layman’s terms, the possibility of more or less meat has never been so accessible until now. With the help of Gourmeatly, the dream of timely meat delivery is a reality.     

From an efficiency standpoint, Gourmeatly’s delivery time has proven to be the fastest. Two to three day delivery promise, they’ve taken the usage of dry ice and cryo-vac into their package. By doing so, they deliver the promise of uncompromised taste and texture of their meats. Offering nationwide shipping, this method of delivery is what will set them apart with their competitors. The current standard for meat delivery is lackluster due to the nature of their product. But with Gourmeatly, they’ve utilized this method when in discussions to shipping in order to fulfill the promise of high grade meats without compromise.   

Efficiency aside, quality is a guiding principle at Gourmeatly. Knowing where your meat comes from and the history alongside it ultimately determines if there will be a repeat purchase. At Gourmeatly, they’ve taken every industry standard into their meats in order to deliver restaurant grade quality. Prioritizing USDA-prime meats is only one aspect of what sets their inventory apart. The Gourmeatly consumer has a highly developed palette and their meat will have to meet particular criterias prior to consuming. That’s where Gourmeatly’s range of meats comes into play. Giving consumers options of both grass fed and finished beef as well as grass fed grain finished beef, they’ve explored a once uncharted portion of the market. By offering this range with their beef alone, it is safe to say that the rest of their meats meet the same high standards set by Gourmeatly. Heritage breed pigs and wild caught seafood, quality is at the forefront of their practice as they continue to elevate the standard of meats available to the public. 

Using the public as their main demographic, they understand the value of giving back. In their customer retention practice, Gourmeatly’s also provides donations to the charity of the clients choice. This alone has set Gourmeatly aside from their competitors as it shows that they’re in touch with the modern day consumers. In addition, they also have a give-back program where clients can fill their old delivery boxes with unwanted household goods which will then be distributed amongst those in need. Partnering with Giveback Box, this has set them miles ahead of their competition by demonstrating strong business practice in both a monetary and a humanitarian sense. 

Gourmeatly is set to change the industry approach in regards to meat delivery as a whole. As one of many in their industry, they have demonstrated both a strong business infrastructure as well as a humanitarian side of business. By following these guidelines, Gourmeatly’s future at the table has been set and they are ready to take on the first course of the meat delivery industry.  

