DENVER, March 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Denver area neighbors with a terminal illness who are experiencing homelessness now have an alternative to dying on the street: the Rocky Mountain Refuge for End of Life Care (Refuge). Operating in rooms arranged through the Denver Rescue Mission at its facility in the Northeast Park Hill area, the Refuge will provide a stable, appropriate environment for hospice agencies to deliver specialized end-of-lifecare to homeless neighbors.
The story of "Jim" illustrates why a shelter like the Refuge is sorely needed: One day, Jim's friends found he had passed away by his cart on the side of the road not far from the overpass where he camped. Logan Robertson, Pastor/Director of after Hours Denver, who knew Jim, said "He died with dignity because he lived with dignity. But he deserved to die in a bed, with a blanket over his body, a roof over his head, and someone to care for his hurts and listen to his fears." No one should die alone and unsheltered. The Refuge works to give stories like Jim's a different ending.
According to Brother James Patrick Hall, the Refuge's interim executive director, "Until the Refuge opened, when an unhoused person had no family or was estranged from family and friends, it was extremely difficult to find specialized housing for dignified, caring help in their final days." Hall stated that the Refuge is not itself a hospice agency - rather, it is a shelter for providing custodial care to those without a home. Hospice agencies and other medical providers may refer those in need to the Refuge by accessing our website (below) or emailing Residents will initially be referred to the Rocky Mountain Refuge by The Denver Hospice and TRU Community Care, who will also provide onsite medical services. Staff and volunteers of the Refuge will provide personal and hygienic care, companionship for all residents and facility cleaning.
In addition to support from Denver Rescue Mission, the Refuge launch has been helped by a major grant from the Daniels Fund and generous support from Circle of Life Hospice Project, Swisslog Healthcare, the Gill Foundation, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, and Trinity United Methodist Church.
For more information, including volunteer and donor opportunities, visit
Brother James Patrick Hall
Interim Executive Director
Rocky Mountain Refuge for End of Life Care
PO Box 2941
Littleton, CO 80161-2941
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Image 1: Rocky Mountain Refuge
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