VDM Health Announces New Contract with Medp Big Data

LONDON, April 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VDM Health Ltd. (“the Company”) has formalized a large government contract for “Big Data for Personalised Medicine” (Medp Big Data) valued at €2,332,000 over the next 14 months with the European Union and the European Development Fund Regional. The contract further cements VDM’s role as a leader in the health, AI, and Bigdata space, not only in Spain but also throughout Europe. The Company currently serves over 12 million health professionals through its APP PHARMA, a digitized, Bigdata and Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform where health care professionals can cross-check prescriptions for patients quickly and efficiently, saving time and improving the efficacy of the drugs they prescribe.

The new contract has two phases. The first is valued at €282,000 and is a six-month competitive contract between the Company and two other players in the space, closing in September 2022. The second and final phase is valued at €2,050,000 and will be awarded to the winner of phase 1 and ends in June 2023.

The contract is to develop an AI and BigData platform for Medp, while improving personalised care across all phases of the health care process from diagnosis to treatment and research for patients with chronic, oncological, degenerative, and rare diseases.

The Company’s CEO, Chairman and Founder, Jordi Ferrer believes the bid “. . . was successful as it [the Company] heads up the largest group of top AI professionals and researchers in Spain.” In total, the Company has 30 professors and leaders in the medical and AI space working for them.

The contract has three main components

  • a bi-directional interface for the direct exchange of information between the patient and healthcare professionals

  • a predictive analytics system for professional clinical decision support

  • a technology platform with tools for clinical and research use

The Company is poised for growth as it sets its sights on solidifying its current growth while looking to bring to market an additional seven apps that are already in planning and development stages. To learn more about the Company’s plans and investment opportunities, visit https://bit.ly/VDMSL22

VDM Health

VDM Health is an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data company that has its holding company in the UK and its primary operational office in Spain. The company addresses the healthcare industry's budget and human resource constraints by providing real-time on-demand patient care. Currently serving over 12 million through its first app, APP PHARMA, VDM Health is expanding its reach across Europe and globally with a series of 7 apps developed with the leading healthcare practitioners and Artificial Intelligence researchers.

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