EnerGeo Alliance Urges Administration to Release Gulf of Mexico Permits in the Wake of the Proposed Five-Year Program Release

Houston, TX, U.S., July 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The EnerGeo Alliance today issued the following statement from its President, Nikki Martin regarding the Biden Administration’s announcement releasing the “Proposed Program” for the National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program (National OCS Program) for years 2023-2028.

“The Administration’s release of a significantly reduced proposed five-year offshore oil and gas lease program demonstrates a lack of concern for the nation’s future energy security and access to the energy which ensures citizens’ well‐being as the industry works to accelerate the energy evolution. It is critical a final Leasing Program provides a clear pathway to develop the affordable and reliable energy sources for growing U.S. demand and to fulfill the President’s promise to nations who are seeking replacement of energy sources spurred by the current geopolitical volatility.

“We encourage the Administration to expeditiously work to finalize a Leasing Program that encourages continued energy production which has put millions of Americans to work, generated billions of dollars in revenue for federal and state governments and put downward pressure on prices for consumers – notably, allowing citizens with the least means to access the benefits of low energy costs, all the while reducing emissions. Growing U.S. production had also dramatically increased the nation’s resistance to energy market shocks, but the U.S.’ long-term energy security can only be strengthened with a lasting commitment to continuing onshore and offshore oil and natural gas leasing and development. This should be of grave concern for U.S. households and businesses that are already reeling from rising costs of energy, goods and services. 

“In addition, the Administration must act now to take steps to relieve the American people of high energy costs in the near term. Operators in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) are currently waiting for the Administration to provide “Letters of Authorization” for energy geoscience surveys critical to bringing already-discovered assets online, increasing production of existing assets and allowing exploration of held leases to locate additional reservoirs. Following over a decade of flawed work by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for Incidental Take Regulation (ITR) modeling for the GOM, the agency admitted the rule is broken but it remains reticent in taking action to release the permit backlog. The Gulf of Mexico produces some of, if not the, lowest emissions intensive and highest energy dense barrels in the world, so any move by the Biden Administration to limit U.S. leasing is ultimately increasing emissions. 

“The President has called for the industry to use its existing leases and permits to increase production on federal lands to aid in driving down high energy prices knowing full well that what he has called for is not possible without his Administration granting the necessary permits to unleash American energy.

“EnerGeo Alliance calls upon this Administration to not only expeditiously finalize a five-year program but to approve the authorizations in the Gulf today that are stalling production of energy resources and preventing much-needed economic relief to the American people.”

About the EnerGeo Alliance
Founded in 1971, the EnerGeo Alliance is a global trade association for the energy geoscience industry, the intersection where earth science and energy meet. The EnerGeo Alliance and its member companies span more than 50 countries, and together, unify to open the gateway to the safe discovery, development, and delivery of mainstay sources of energy, alternative energy and low-carbon energy solutions that meet our growing world’s needs.

Media Contact
Gail Adams
EnerGeo Alliance, VP of Communications & External Affairs
O: 713-957-8080
M: 281-702-4201

