Dublin, July 19, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Mid-Year 2022 IT Salary Survey" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
Mid-Year 2022 IT Salary Survey by company size and metro area
Salaries are up and CIOs are now hiring more IT Pros
IT compensation does not keep up with inflation and hiring slows but is still strong
Mid-Year 2022 IT Salary Survey by company size and metro area available for immediate download. Janco and eJobDescription.com has conducted salary surveys of the IT Job market over 30 years.
The data from this survey has been published in the Computer Industry Almanac, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, eWeek, and many other business and industry publications. In addition, over the years it has been featured on CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and several national and international television and multi-media outlets.
IT Salaries were on the rise. More companies were investing in information technology. The emphasis over the past several years is in both e-commerce and mobile computing. At the same time with the ever-increasing Cyber attacks and data breaches, CIO are looking to harden their sites and lock down data access so that they can protect all of their electronic assets.
IT Salary Survey Job Descriptions
Added to that in an ever-increasing array of mandated requirements from the EU with GPDR and US federal and state requirements to protect individual users' privacy. All of these factors increase the demand for experienced IT Pros and the salaries they are paid.
Top Paying IT Positions
Large enterprises tend to compensate IT Professionals more than SMBs. The top 10 paying executive jobs are shown in the chart below.
The IT Compensation Survey (PDF / Excel) provides not only the full report plus the summary data in an EXCEL worksheet. The excel data provided includes the median by city and a national BENCHMARK.
The report draws on data collected throughout the year by extensive internet-based and completed survey forms sent to businesses throughout the United States and Canada. The survey data reflects IT salaries in 78 major cities in the United States as well as 23 cities in Canada. The report is over 190 pages long and the data is provided in PDF and EXCEL formats.
Median IT Security Pro Salary $102,727 - Median IT Pro Salary $97,872
Budgeting for 2023 is starting - salaries for all IT Pros are a key component of the overall IT Budget. Security professionals are among the highest-paid because they are in high demand with an emphasis on protection from cyberattacks including ransomware.
When IT Security Pros are viewed as a job family, their median salary is $102,717. That is above the median for all IT Professionals.
Demand will continue to be high for this specialty for the next several quarters as cyber-attacks are on the rise. Budgeting needs to take that into consideration in order to retain existing staff as well as for hiring new and replacement staff.
Key Topics Covered:
- CIO Tenure
- Median Age of IT Pros
- Fringe Benefits Summary
- Compensation and IT Job Market Trends
- BLS IT Compensation Analysis
- Mean Compensation IT Executives
- Large Enterprises - Executive Salaries
- Mid-Sized Enterprises - Executive Salaries
- US Federal Government Compensation Cap
- National Unemployment Rate
- Labor Participation Rate
- IT Job Market Analysis
- IT Job Market Size 2020 versus 2021
- IT Job Description HandiGuide
- Job Families
- IT Job Family Classification
- Job Description Structure
- Large Enterprises
- Mid-Size Enterprises
- Not available in the Individual City versions of the Salary Survey
- Executive Management Positions
- Middle Management Positions
- Staff Positions
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/2u4xek