Dublin, Oct. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Strategic Asset Allocation and Portfolio Management" training has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
This practical 2 day course will review developments and best practices within the investment management industry focusing on asset allocation and portfolio construction.
Conducted by a trainer with many years of practical experience from the sector the workshop is designed to be interactive drawing on the knowledge and experiences of the trainer and participants.
You will have a chance to explore the best practices across the industry using current industry research, reports, analysis and case studies. You will be also encouraged to apply the best practices from your own market and business.
The program is designed for delegates with a knowledge of the fundamentals of modern portfolio theory, asset allocation theory, equity analysis and portfolio construction techniques.
What will you learn
By the end of this course you will:
- Understand how to design asset allocation models for different client types and market conditions
- Build and maintain optimal portfolio's based on investor needs
- Recognise the key features, advantages and risks of the key asset classes and their role in portfolio construction
- Recognise how to identify and capture alpha
- Appreciate the significance of behavioural biases and how to manage them when designing investment strategies for different client type
Main topics covered during this training
- The nature of the Investment Management market
- Market tends and product evolution
- The theoretical tools and concepts
- Risk/return relationship
- Diversification and correlation
- Constructing the framework
- Rebalancing and reallocation
- The process of asset allocation and portfolio construction in practice
- The search for 'alpha' and the importance of information ratios
- Performance Measurement and attribution
- The importance of Behavioural Finance
- Asset class characteristics
Who Should Attend:
- Private Bankers and Wealth Managers
- Family Office Executives
- High Net Worth Investors and their advisors
- Investment Managers, Strategists & Analysts
- Risk managers
- Trustees
- Accountants / Lawyers
- Pension Fund Professionals
- Regulatory bodies and Policy makers
Key Topics Covered:
Overview of the Investment Management industry
- The players
- The key client
- The core product
- Market trends
- Key Performance Indicators and Profit dynamics
- Investment "themes" and "styles"
- Market trends and Product evolution
- The passive vs. active debate - 'redefining active management'
- Separation of alpha and beta
- ETF's
- Smart Beta
- Open architecture
- Multi Manager approaches
- Liability driven strategies
- Outcome funds
The "building blocks"
- Asset allocation - Art or Science?
- The relevance of Modern Portfolio theory and "efficient markets" today
- Risk
- The risk/return relationship
- The "efficient frontier" concept
- Asset and portfolio risk and returns
- Different types of risk and perception of risk
- Risk measures
- Risk premium
- Diversification and Correlation
The asset allocation process
- Overview
- The Investment Policy Statement
- Types of asset allocation
- Principal protection and principal growth assets
- Constructing the Framework
- Matching asset classes with wealth levels and income needs
- Asset and portfolio risk
- Risk adjusted returns
- Case study: Building and maintaining optimal portfolio solutions
Rebalancing and reallocation
- Principles and Scope
- Approaches to rebalancing
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Managing 'drift' in the portfolio and 'maverick' risk
- Relative performance
- Critical success factors
- Special considerations when dealing with concentrated positions
Asset allocation and other portfolio construction disciplines
- Strategic principles
- Style and sector selection
- Region and country selection
- Industry and Security selection
- Manager selection
- Information ratios for different investment styles
- Currency selection and currency overlay
- Market timing
- Decision points in implementation strategy
The search for 'alpha' and the importance of information ratios
- Defining alpha
- Sources of alpha
- Portable alpha
- Alpha generation and manager skill
- The information ratio and coefficient
- The fundamental law of active management
The emergence of SMART Beta
Performance Measurement andAttribution
Individual investor behaviour
- Introduction - What is behavioural finance?
- Decision theory
- Factors impacting individual asset allocation decisions
- The significance of 'asset locations'
- Goal based asset allocation
- Comparison of expected utility, prospect theory and mean variance analysis
- Individual investor behaviour characteristics
- What can we learn from 'market history'?
- The cycle of 'emotion'
- Identifying patterns of irrationality
- Risk profiling - dealing with behavioural bias
- Reacting to client irrationality
- Moderate or adapt the asset allocation?
- Summary of implications for portfolio design
- Case study: The practical application of Behavioural Finance concepts
Asset class characteristics
- Asset class descriptions and distinguishing qualities
- Evaluation of asset classes
- Specific challenges with Fixed Income
- Duration
- Convexity
- Hedge ratio
- Yield components
- Skewness and Kurtosis
- Case study: Thought leadership in Asset Allocation - The "Yale Model"
For more information about this training visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/b2qbym