Life Is Fun, Even in the Bedroom (At Least, It Should Be)

Male Plus Is a European Brand Helping to Rejuvenate and Reenergize the More Intimate Moments in a Man’s Life Through a 100% Natural Herbal Remedy

Fort Lauderdale, FL, Nov. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- There are a lot of reasons for a man to struggle to get or maintain an erection. They might be dealing with a lot of stress or be feeling insecure. They might move along a bit too quickly during intercourse. They might simply be feeling exhausted. Whatever the reason, Tim Torfs created Male Plus to give men a way to fire up their libido and get that blood flowing down yonder again — without the need to resort to strong chemical drugs.

“Too many ED solutions and libido enhancers depend on strong chemical intervention,” says Torfs, “I’ve spent the better part of twenty years in the health and wellness field, and I knew there was a way to help a brother out without the need to resort to a prescription.”

Torfs, who already has an established line of nutritional supplements, developed Male Plus with a focus on three 100% natural ingredients:

  • Maca: Maca powder is an ancient medicinal herb native to the Peruvian Andes. It has countless uses, and many claim that it can directly promote libido and fertility.
  • Tribulus Terrestris: This leafy plant has an ancient tradition of enhancing libido and boosting testosterone levels. Together with Maca, the herb gives Male Plus its potent intimacy boost.
  • Ginseng: While not directly connected to the libido-enhancing powers of the supplement, the inclusion of ginseng gives Male Plus a relaxing, stress-reducing side effect that can indirectly help restore and maintain a healthy erection.

Male Plus is as simple as it is effective. It’s an unassuming, vegan, herbal intervention that can lead to some dramatic results. The best part, for Americans, is that the European brand will be arriving in the United States in the not-too-distant future to help restore a sense of fun in everyday life (including the bedroom) once again.

About Male Plus:
Male Plus is an herbal supplement brand that naturally reduces stress and supports libido. The Belgian brand was developed by Tim Torfs, a serial entrepreneur with nearly two decades of experience in the health and wellness industry. Torfs has spent time as a male beautician, opened a wellness center, and created his own slimming concept and line of nutritional supplements.

In September of 2021, Torfs released Male Plus, which combines three 100% natural herbal ingredients (Maca, Tribulus Terrestris, and Ginseng) as a natural alternative to chemical ED and libido-enhancing solutions. Male Plus is for men over 21. Consult with a doctor if you’re over 60 years old or are using hypertension or antidiabetic treatments.

