Accellera’s Security Annotation for Electronic Design Integration Standard 1.0 Moves Toward IEEE Standardization

New IEEE P3164 Working Group to address security concerns for IP providers

ELK GROVE, Calif., Jan. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Accellera Systems Initiative (Accellera), the electronics industry organization focused on the creation and adoption of electronic design automation (EDA) and intellectual property (IP) standards, announced today that its Security Annotation for Electronic Design Integration (SA-EDI) Standard 1.0 has been contributed to the IEEE for the development of the P3164 draft standard.

The IEEE P3164 Working Group will be established at the kick-off meeting on February 14 and will drive the ongoing progression of the SA-EDI standard. Developed by Accellera’s IP Security Assurance (IPSA) Working Group, SA-EDI 1.0 defines a specification that documents security concerns for hardware IP and its associated components when integrated into an integrated circuit (IC). The standard is design-, product-, and tool-independent.

“As a result of our longstanding partnership with the IEEE, our standards are able to achieve widespread global recognition and use,” stated Lu Dai, Chair of Accellera. “We anticipate that as the IEEE P3164 Working Group gets underway, this standard will be of tremendous benefit to IP providers and silicon integrators around the world as they work to reduce security risks in their IP.”

“SA-EDI 1.0 has been in the hands of the community for over a year and has already helped a number of providers in their quest to identify security issues,” stated Brent Sherman, IPSA Working Group Chair. “The standard is low overhead, non-disruptive, and scalable across multiple target implementations. We look forward to the continued work within the IEEE P3164 Working Group to continue to advance the standard.” Sherman will begin his new role as Chair of the IEEE P3164 Working Group at the first meeting next month.

If you would like to participate in the IEEE P3164 Working Group, the kick-off meeting will be held virtually on February 14, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM ET. Registration for the kick-off meeting is now open.

To indicate your interest in the working group to receive ballot invitations and other notifications about the project, click here.

More information and Background on SA-EDI 1.0:
Accellera’s Board of Directors approved SA-EDI 1.0 for release in July 2021. To learn more about the SA-EDI Standard and how it can help IP providers identify security concerns, there are resources on Accellera’s IP Security Assurance Working Group page as well as the IEEE Security Annotation for Electronic Design Integration page.

About Accellera
Accellera Systems Initiative is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to create, support, promote, and advance system-level design, modeling, and verification standards for use by the worldwide electronics industry. The organization accelerates standards development and, as part of its ongoing partnership with the IEEE, its standards are contributed to the IEEE Standards Association for formal standardization and ongoing change control. For more information, please visit Find out more about membership. Follow @accellera on Twitter and LinkedIn or to comment, please use #accellera. Accellera Global Sponsors are Cadence, Siemens EDA, and Synopsys.

Accellera and Accellera Systems Initiative are trademarks of Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.

For more information, contact:

Barbara Benjamin
Public Relations for Accellera Systems Initiative
Phone: +1 503 209 2323