VOZIOOK advertising machine and smart city development needs combined

LONDON, ENGLAND, May 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We are currently in the stage of smart city construction, and the smart city is a collection of information technology, digitalization, etc., so LED advertising machine as the current smart city terminal, but also as a new media concept.

LED advertising machine itself has many scene advantages, not only highly intelligent and also in line with the current smart city, digital city construction needs, in the scene application to play an important role in the dissemination of information.

It can be said that the LED advertising machine application scene includes almost all public places, can meet the current needs of outdoor information circulation, brings us a new, dynamic way of information exchange is the construction of smart cities, information popularization of the information portal,
The information portal for the popularisation of information, or you can put it another way - the "core engine" of information transformation.

It must be said that, thanks to the market position and outdoor advertising market demand, LED advertising machine these two years of growth are obvious. One of the more obvious ones is that, outside of talking about advertising machines, everyone will first talk about LCD advertising machines.

But as the outdoor market upgrades, LCD is no longer a big hit, and LED advertising machine is becoming an alternative, the application of radiation from indoor, semi-outdoor to full indoor full Internet scenario environment, more let it become the "core engine" of information transformation
Also because of the speed of LED advertising machine popularization, coupled with high-speed railway stations, toll stations and other important urban transport links to the importance of information transformation, VOZIOOK LED advertising machine information transformation of the "core engine" role seems to be more stable.

Looking back at the nature of VOZIOOK's LED advertising machine applications, it has a network cluster control function, in the network era, no matter where you put a few advertising machines, through the remote background can be controlled, and the dissemination of information and switching between almost no delay, in the efficiency of information dissemination can be said to be very fast.

Advances in artificial intelligence and evolving media channels will make marketers in different categories increasingly inclined to bundle product, consumer experience and advertising experience together.
 In response to the changes ahead, VOZIOOK offers suggestions for action at different levels, from short to medium to long term, from strategy to planning, to better reap the dividends of AI advertising.

At present, some experts predict that VOZIOOK's future LED advertising machine market's rapid development can be maintained for at least 5-10 years, this statement seems to have some truth, because this time period is an important moment in the construction and development of smart cities, and from this we can also see.

LED advertising machine is already with the smart city with the development of a terminal product, then for the LED advertising machine manufacturers, whether it is technical upgrading, functional applications or demand fit must be combined with the development of smart city needs to do
Of course, VOZIOOK makes a bold prediction about the LED advertising machine terminal equipment required for the construction of smart cities, which must be smarter, more energy efficient, more beautiful, lighter and cheaper.
And this is exactly what VOZIOOK summed up from the development of a large development direction of demand, but also the future of LED advertising machine manufacturers in the process of transformation and innovation in the construction of smart cities important factors.

Website: https://voziook.com/


