Lawmatics Joins ABA Member Discount Program

Significant savings on legal-specific intake software now available to ABA Members

San Diego, CA, July 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lawmatics announced today that the #1 legal customer relationship management (CRM) platform is now part of the American Bar Association (ABA) Member Discount Program. All members of the ABA now qualify for significant savings when signing up with Lawmatics.

“We know that attorneys across the country are missing out on countless opportunities because they don’t have best-in-class tools,” said Matt Spiegel, CEO and Co-Founder of Lawmatics. “By joining the ABA Member Discount program, we’re making the smartfirm revolution more accessible to ABA Members everywhere.”

Under this program, all ABA Members are eligible for a lifetime discount when they sign up for Lawmatics as a new customer.

With this step, Lawmatics continues to democratize the cutting-edge technology that’s transforming the client-attorney relationship. The popular legal-specific CRM recently introduced its game-changing artificial intelligence generative text tool – LM[AI] – to the platform, along with event management features and an integration with Google AdWords.

“We’re seeing a period of rapid modernization in law firms, and the Lawmatics platform is constantly innovating to support our customers with the tools they need to build successful relationships with their clients,” said Johnny Bissell, Director of Customer Success at Lawmatics.

Lawmatics was recently named a Summer 2023 High-Performer on popular software review site G2. In a recent survey of Lawmatics users, 89.6% of firms agreed that Lawmatics helps automate and standardize their processes, 78.4% said Lawmatics has reduced the amount of lost prospect opportunities, and 74.6% said Lawmatics has helped increase client satisfaction.


About Lawmatics

Lawmatics is the #1 CRM for law firms, offering marketing automation, legal client intake, time & billing, and much more – all in one easy-to-use software. With Lawmatics, law firms streamline their operations, impress clients, and win more business. Founded in 2017, Lawmatics is headquartered in San Diego.

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Lawmatics + American Bar Association (ABA Advantage)
