Rising Demand for Processed Cranberry Products Fuels Growth in the Global Cranberries Market

Dublin, July 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Cranberries Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The global cranberries market is poised to achieve a steady CAGR of 3.2% during the forecast period. Cranberries, primarily consumed in the form of juice due to their sour taste when raw, are perennial crops cultivated in man-made wetlands or bogs across several regions, including the United States. With an annual consumption of nearly 400 million pounds in the United States alone, cranberries enjoy significant popularity.

Key Market Trends: Health Benefits and Increasing Demand

The medicinal value of cranberries plays a pivotal role in driving market growth. Cranberries are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, promoting improved cardiovascular health, metabolism, and immune function. Rich in phytochemicals, cranberries act as powerful antioxidant compounds, protecting cells from oxidative damage and preventing various diseases. These health benefits are expected to have a positive impact on market growth throughout the forecast period.

Rising Demand from the Processing Industry

The demand for cranberries from the processing industry has witnessed substantial growth due to the increasing demand for processed cranberry products, particularly in North America. Processed cranberry products include juices, jams, jellies, sauces, dried cranberries, powders, extracts, and more. Additionally, cranberries are used in the production of poultices, medicinal teas, and dyes. While only about 5% of cranberries produced in the United States are sold fresh, the remaining 95% are processed, primarily for juice and juice blends. The growing demand for processed cranberry products has contributed to the overall expansion of the cranberries market.

North America Dominates the Market

North America is the largest cranberry-producing region, with significant cultivation observed in states such as Massachusetts, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington. The region accounts for an annual harvest of around 200 billion cranberries, with sales exceeding USD 1.50 billion. The United States is the world's leading cranberry producer, followed by Canada. Notably, the United States farms harvested 16 thousand hectares of cranberries in 2021, producing 0.3 million metric tons. Ocean Spray Cranberry Growers Cooperative, a major producer in North America, alone contributes to 90% of the cranberry yield in the United States. Ocean Spray handles over 50% of the country's cranberry harvest and manufactures various cranberry products, including fresh cranberries, cranberry concentrate, sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs), cranberry-based juices, and cranberry sauce. The demand for these products drives the cranberries market in North America.

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/s9qtpy

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