Calcium Phosphate Market revenue to reach USD 1.7 Billion by 2035, says Research Nester

Key calcium phosphate market players include Advance Inorganics, Nitta Gelatin NA Inc., The Mosaic Company, Merck KGaA, PhosAgro Group of Companies, Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals Private Limited, Timab Magnesium, Fosfitalia Group, Innophos Holdings, Inc., Gadot Biochemical Industries Ltd.

New York , Jan. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global calcium phosphate market size is slated to expand at 6% CAGR between 2023 and 2035. The market is poised to garner a revenue of USD 1.7 billion by the end of 2035, up from a revenue of USD 1 billion in the year 2022. The food and beverage industry is one of the key drivers of growth in the market. Calcium phosphate is widely used as a food additive and fortifier in various food and beverage products. In the European Union inorganic phosphates have been authorized as a food additive for 104 different kinds of food including baby formulas.

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Additionally, calcium phosphates are substances that can be used in various ways, such, as dietary supplements and nutrients. The FDA has classified them as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) when utilized according to manufacturing practices outlined in Chapter 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. As a food additive, calcium phosphate is used to enhance the texture and stability of food products. It is commonly added to dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, to improve their texture and prevent separation. In addition to its role as a food additive, calcium phosphate is also used as a fortifier in various food and beverage products. It is added to products such as breakfast cereals, juices, and plant-based milk alternatives to increase their calcium content.

Calcium Phosphate Market: Key Takeaways

  • Market in Asia Pacific to propel highest growth
  • Di-calcium phosphate segment to garner the highest growth
  • Market in North America to grow at a significant rate

Advancements in Manufacturing Technologies to Boost Market Growth

The calcium phosphate market has witnessed significant advancements in manufacturing technologies. These innovative production methods have revolutionized the industry and have had a profound impact on the market.
One such advancement is the development of new synthesis techniques that allow for the production of calcium phosphate with enhanced properties. These techniques involve the use of novel materials and processes, resulting in calcium phosphate products with improved purity, stability, and bioactivity. Another notable advancement is the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing. This technology enables the precise fabrication of complex calcium phosphate structures, opening up new possibilities for customized implants and scaffolds in the medical field. For instance, the combination of calcium phosphate powders and berberine was used to adjust the properties of the printing inks. scaffolds were created through a direct extrusion 3D printing process and then cross linked them in situ using sodium alginate. Furthermore, advancements in automation and robotics have led to increased efficiency and productivity in calcium phosphate manufacturing. These technologies streamline production processes, reduce human error, and improve overall product quality.

Calcium Phosphate Industry: Regional Overview

The global calcium phosphate market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa region. 

Presence of largest number of livestock, and rising demand for meat to Drive the Growth in the Asia Pacific Region

The calcium phosphate market in Asia Pacific region is estimated to garner the largest revenue by the end of 2035. This is because the Asia Pacific region is home to the largest number of livestock, and the demand for meat is also increasing in the region. As the demand for meat grows, so does the demand for bio-fertilizers, which are needed to increase crop yields. China is estimated to have around 210 million livestock by the year 2026. Additionally, India has a total of 510 million livestock in rural areas and 23 million in urban areas with the majority around 96% found in rural regions and about 5%, in urban regions. As the demand for meat and dairy products increases, so does the need for calcium phosphate, which is used in the production of fertilizers, animal feed, and other agricultural inputs. Additionally, the region has a large number of agricultural lands, which further contributes to the growing demand for bio-fertilizers.

Growing Ageing Population and Growing Region's Healthcare System to Drive the Growth in The North America Region

The North America calcium phosphate market is estimated to garner the largest revenue by the end of 2035. As the region's healthcare system advances, the demand for pharmaceuticals is expected to rise, which in turn will drive the demand for calcium phosphate. Additionally, the ageing population in the region will lead to increased prevalence of chronic diseases, which will require the use of calcium phosphate as a key ingredient in many pharmaceuticals. The population of Americans aged 65 and above will increase by over two times in the next forty years, reaching a staggering 80 million by 2040. In 2010, around 15 percent of Canada's population comprised individuals aged 65 or older. This percentage has now risen to 18 percent in 2022. As people live longer, they are more likely to develop bone-related diseases, such as osteoporosis, which requires the use of calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate helps to strengthen bones and reduce bone loss. As the population of elderly individuals increases, so will the demand for calcium phosphate.

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Calcium Phosphate Segmentation by Product

  • Monocalcium Phosphate
  • Di-Calcium Phosphate
  • Tricalcium Phosphate
  • Calcium Acid Phosphate

The di-calcium phosphate segment is anticipated to hold the largest revenue by the end of 2035 due to the increasing demand for animal feed. In the United States there are over 5,900 animal food manufacturing facilities that produce an output of more, than 280 million tons of finished feed and pet food every year. Di-calcium phosphate is a key ingredient in animal feed, and its use is expected to increase as the global population grows and demand for meat and dairy products increases. Moreover, another factor driving the growth of the di-calcium phosphate segment is the rising awareness of animal welfare. As consumers become more conscious of the treatment of animals in the food industry, there is a growing demand for animal feed that is produced using ethical and sustainable practices. Di-calcium phosphate is a key ingredient in animal feed that is produced using sustainable and ethical practices, making it an attractive option for consumers who are concerned about animal welfare.

Calcium Phosphate Segmentation by End Use

  • Food & Beverage
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Drinking Water Treatment
  • Animal Feed

Calcium Phosphate Market, the animal feed segment is anticipated to hold the largest revenue by the end of 2035. The growth of the animal feed segment is attributed to the increasing pet adoption, growing awareness about the health benefits of pet food, and increasing consumption of animal products. Every year 6.9 million animals find their way into shelters. Out of all the dogs in these shelters 42% are fortunate enough to be adopted and find a loving home. Similarly, 45% of cats also get adopted from animal shelters. It's interesting to note that there are 87 million households, in the United States that have pets as part of their family. Additionally, the rising demand for high protein animal feed is also expected to fuel the growth of the animal feed segment in the calcium phosphate market. The increase in demand for animal feed is driven by the fact that pets are living longer, healthier lives, and require more specialized diets. As a result, the demand for animal feed with calcium phosphate has increased, as it helps to maintain the health of these animals.

A few of the well-known market leaders in the global calcium phosphate market that are profiled by Research Nester are Advance Inorganics, Nitta Gelatin NA Inc., The Mosaic Company, Merck KGaA, PhosAgro Group of Companies, Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals Private Limited, Timab Magnesium, Fosfitalia Group, Innophos Holdings, Inc., Gadot Biochemical Industries Ltd., and other key market players.

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Recent Development in the Calcium Phosphate Market

  • The Annual Event and Expo organized by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) took place at the McCormick Place Convention Center from July 11th to 13th, 2022. Innophos Holdings Inc., a leading provider of specialty ingredients for the food, health and nutrition industries announced its participation in the event again. Manufacturers seeking research backed solutions for designing products using plant-based meat substitutes can rely on Innophos expertise.
  • PhosAgro Group of Companies a producer of phosphate-based fertilizers worldwide recently became a member of the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP). This marks a milestone as PhosAgro is the first fertilizer manufacturer, outside of the European Union to join ESPP.

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Research Nester is a one-stop service provider with a client base in more than 50 countries, leading in strategic market research and consulting with an unbiased and unparalleled approach towards helping global industrial players, conglomerates and executives for their future investment while avoiding forthcoming uncertainties. With an out-of-the-box mindset to produce statistical and analytical market research reports, we provide strategic consulting so that our clients can make wise business decisions with clarity while strategizing and planning for their forthcoming needs and succeed in achieving their future endeavors. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds.

