Remise de chèques aux centres de recherche sur le cancer par Jonathan Wener
L’homme d’affaire montréalais Jonathan Wener remet 1,25 millions de dollars pour la recherche sur le cancer
04 déc. 2018 15h28 HE | Gestion Canderel inc.
MONTRÉAL, 04 déc. 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Le fondateur du Défi Canderel M. Jonathan Wener, président du conseil de Canderel Management Inc. a remis deux chèques totalisant 1,25 million de...
Defi Canderel_EN
Montreal businessman Jonathan Wener remits 1.25 million for cancer research
04 déc. 2018 15h28 HE | Canderel Management Inc.
MONTREAL, Dec. 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The founder of the Défi Canderel challenge, Mr. Jonathan Wener, Chairman of the Board of Canderel Management Inc, remitted two cheques totalling 1.25...
Illustration artistique du 6795 Marconi
Canderel et Claridge s’associent pour fournir des locaux haute technologie de 31 610 pi2 à Microsoft Research Montréal
19 sept. 2018 11h39 HE | Gestion Canderel inc.
MONTRÉAL, 19 sept. 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Branchées sur les besoins et les dernières innovations en matière d’immobilier urbain, Canderel et Claridge sont fières d’annoncer que le laboratoire...
6795 Marconi_Microsoft_EN
Canderel and Claridge join forces to provide 31,610 square feet of high-tech office space to Microsoft Research Montreal
19 sept. 2018 11h39 HE | Canderel Management Inc.
MONTREAL, Sept. 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With their finger on the pulse of what’s new and needed in urban real estate, Canderel and Claridge are proud to announce that in the fall of 2019,...
Canderel and Maple Red Financial Management Canada celebrate LEED Gold® for Bentall Centre Towers I-II-III and LEED Platinum® for Tower IV in Vancouver
02 mai 2018 14h55 HE | Canderel Management Inc.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 02, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Building owner Maple Red Financial Management Canada  and property manager Canderel are very proud to announce that Towers I, II and III...
Home to Mission Critical Banking & Data Centres Earns Digital Connectivity Distinction
23 févr. 2018 11h42 HE | Canderel Management Inc.
MARKHAM, Ontario, Feb. 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canderel, Fiera Properties and WiredScore, the company behind the world’s leading rating system for technological capacity in commercial...
Greystone, Canderel et Canstone Acquisition de Constitution Square, Ottawa OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - 12 sept. 2017) - Greystone Real Estate Strategy(1) (« Greystone »), l'un des meilleurs gestionnaires de l'immobilier au Canada(2), en partenariat...
Greystone, Canderel & Canstone Acquire Constitution Square, Ottawa OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Sept. 12, 2017) - The Greystone Real Estate Strategy(1) ("Greystone"), one of Canada's top money managers of real estate(2), in co-ownership with Canderel...
Faire la belle vie au centre-ville : La qualité supérieure de la Tour des Canadiens lui vaut un prix d'excellence de l'Association de la construction du Québec
08 nov. 2016 10h08 HE | Gestion Canderel inc.
MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC--(Marketwired - 8 nov. 2016) - Adjacent au Centre Bell, le premier édifice résidentiel du centre-ville qui allie sports et divertissements, offrant...
Living the Good Life in Downtown Montreal: High Quality at Tour des Canadiens Earns Distinguished Award from the ACQ
08 nov. 2016 10h07 HE | Canderel Management Inc.
MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - Nov. 8, 2016) - Downtown Montreal's first sports-and-entertainment residential building, with stunning views, gorgeous amenities and adjacent to the Bell...