08 janv. 2018 20h00 HE | Gécamines SA
卢本巴西, Jan. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 一项期待已久的承诺的实质性实现在不久前给2017财政年度划下了圆满的句号:2017年12月22日,吉卡明在卢本巴西的现代化总部正式落成。刚果共和国总统Joseph KABILA KABANGE率领国家最高机关和部门出席了落成典礼。 ...
2018: Year of the Ac
2018: Year of the Acceleration of the Modernization of Générale des Carrières et des Mines (Gécamines SA)
08 janv. 2018 20h00 HE | Gécamines SA
LUBUMBASHI, Democratic Republic of Congo, Jan. 08, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 2017 financial year has just ended with the concrete materialization of an awaited commitment: the inauguration, on 22...