Sabin Vaccine Institute Mendanai Peneliti untuk Menyelidiki Misinformasi Seputar COVID-19, Mendesain Solusi untuk Meningkatkan Penerimaan Vaksin
13 janv. 2021 09h00 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) hari ini mengumumkan bahwa lembaga ini telah memberikan hibah kepada tim peneliti di empat negara untuk mendalami...
Sabin Vaccine Institute financia a investigadores para investigar la desinformación del COVID-19 y diseñar soluciones para incrementar la aceptación de la vacuna
13 janv. 2021 09h00 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- El Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) anunció hoy que concedió subsidios a equipos de investigación en cuatro países para explorar los factores sociales de...
Sabin Vaccine Institute finance des chercheurs pour enquêter sur la désinformation relative à la COVID-19 et concevoir des solutions en vue d'accroître l'acceptation des vaccins
13 janv. 2021 09h00 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
WASHINGTON, 13 janv. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Le Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) a annoncé aujourd'hui avoir accordé des subventions à des équipes de recherche dans quatre pays afin d'étudier les...
Sabin Vaccine Institute 資助研究人員調查 COVID-19 錯誤資訊、設計解決方案以提高疫苗接受度
13 janv. 2021 09h00 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
華盛頓, Jan. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) 今天宣佈已向四個國家的研究團隊授予資助,以探索 COVID-19 錯誤資訊的社會驅動因素,以及其對常規免疫接受程度和 COVID-19 疫苗接受程度的影響。 這些資助是 Sabin...
Sabin Vaccine Institute资助研究人员调查新冠肺炎不实信息,设计提高疫苗接受程度的解决方案
13 janv. 2021 09h00 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
华盛顿, Jan. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sabin Vaccine Institute(简称“Sabin”)今天宣布,该研究所已向四个国家的研究小组提供资金,以调查新冠肺炎不实信息的社会驱动因素及其对常规免疫接种接受程度和新冠肺炎疫苗接受程度的影响。 ...
Sabin Vaccine Institute Funds Researchers to Investigate COVID-19 Misinformation, Design Solutions to Increase Vaccine Acceptance
13 janv. 2021 09h00 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) announced today that it has awarded grants to research teams in four countries to explore the social drivers of...
Dr. Regina Rabinovic
Dr. Regina Rabinovich Succeeds Dr. Axel Hoos as Sabin Vaccine Institute Board Chair, Drs. Norman Baylor and JoAnn Suzich Join the Board
17 déc. 2020 10h10 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
Washington DC, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) is pleased to announce the Board of Trustees has unanimously elected Regina Rabinovich, MD, MPH, as board chair...
Skoll Foundation patrocina a Sabin Vaccine Institute, Dalberg y JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. para establecer el Proyecto de Equidad de la Vacuna contra el COVID-19
28 oct. 2020 11h00 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- El Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin - Instituto de Vacunas Sabin), anunció hoy que se asoció con Dalberg y JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc....
Skoll Foundation 資助 Sabin Vaccine Institute、Dalberg 及 JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. 建立新型冠狀病毒 COVID-19 疫苗公平項目
28 oct. 2020 11h00 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
華盛頓, Oct. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) 今天宣佈與 Dalberg 及 JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) 合作建立新型冠狀病毒 COVID-19 疫苗公平項目...
Skoll Foundation Funds Sabin Vaccine Institute, Dalberg and JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. to Establish COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project
28 oct. 2020 11h00 HE | The Sabin Vaccine Institute
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Sabin Vaccine Institute (Sabin) today announced that it has partnered with Dalberg and JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) to create...