Inciner8 Supports Pe
Inciner8 Supports People Affected by Sudan Conflict With Landmark Order
17 mars 2024 17h48 HE | Inciner8
Southport, United Kingdom, March 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Inciner8 a Southport manufacturer is providing two of its flagship incinerators to Sudan. The £2m order for two of the...
Un travail dangereux
Un travail dangereux : les médias sont invités à découvrir les réalités des infirmières et infirmiers travaillant dans les zones de conflit
05 juin 2017 19h00 HE | Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
CALGARY, June 05, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Demain matin, les membres des médias sont invités à assister à une conférence sur les dangers qui attendent le personnel infirmier canadien travaillant...
Dangerous work: medi
Dangerous work: media invited to hear about being a nurse in a conflict zone
05 juin 2017 19h00 HE | Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
CALGARY, Alberta, June 05, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Members of the media are invited to attend a presentation tomorrow morning, spotlighting the dangers to Canadian nurses as they provide care in...