Endgültige Ergebniss
Endgültige Ergebnisse des öffentlichen Angebots für RoodMicrotec Microtest wird nach Ablauf der Annahmefrist 95,09% des ausstehenden Aktienkapitals von RoodMicrotec halten
13 nov. 2023 02h00 HE | RoodMicrotec N.V.
- Nur in Englisch verfügbar - This is a joint press release by RoodMicrotec N.V. (“RoodMicrotec” and, together with its subsidiaries, the “RoodMicrotec Group”) and Microtest S.p.A. (“Microtest”),...
Final results of the
Final results of the Public Offer for RoodMicrotec - Microtest will hold 95.09% of the outstanding share capital of RoodMicrotec after settlement of post-acceptance period
13 nov. 2023 02h00 HE | RoodMicrotec N.V.
This is a joint press release by RoodMicrotec N.V. (“RoodMicrotec” and, together with its subsidiaries, the “RoodMicrotec Group”) and Microtest S.p.A. (“Microtest”), an entity incorporated under...