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COVID Consumer Debt: Nearly Half of Canadians Plan to Take on More Debt When Pandemic Financial Support Ends (+10 pts)
16 sept. 2020 08h08 HE | MNP Ltd.
CALGARY, Alberta, Sept. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Over the past few months, various financial relief measures from the government, banks, and businesses have helped cushion the financial blow of...
MNP Consumer Debt Index - July 2020
MNP Consumer Debt Index Highlights Financial Upside of Pandemic Among Canadians
20 juil. 2020 06h00 HE | MNP Ltd.
CALGARY, Alberta, July 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- While the financial picture for many Canadian households looked bleak last quarter, many have been kept afloat thanks to the current raft of...
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Nearly Half (46%) of Canadians’ Work Situation Affected By Pandemic
22 juin 2020 06h15 HE | MNP Ltd.
What Canadians Plan to Do When CERB Runs Out: Nearly half say they will cut back on consumer spending (46%)One third will apply for EI benefits (32%) or take on more debt (35%) One in ten will use...
MNP Consumer Debt Index Drops to Lowest Point Since Tracking Began in 2017
30 mars 2020 06h15 HE | MNP Ltd.
CALGARY, Alberta, March 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global crisis surrounding COVID-19 has presented an unprecedented financial shock for Canadians at a time when personal finances are already...
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Survey: Risky Financial Behaviours Keeping Canadians in Debt
02 mars 2020 08h02 HE | MNP Ltd.
CALGARY, Alberta, March 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP Ltd. helps identify some of the costly money mistakes Canadians are making that could be...
MNP Consumer Debt Index - January 2020
MNP Consumer Debt Index Update: Canadians increasingly pessimistic about their consumer debt
20 janv. 2020 06h00 HE | MNP Ltd.
Index drops five points since September matching the lowest point ever recorded Nearly three in ten Canadians say they are already insolventHalf say they are $200 or less away from being insolvent...
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MNP Consumer Debt Index Update: Canadians finding themselves with less money each month, over half concerned about their ability to repay their debts
28 oct. 2019 07h00 HE | MNP Ltd.
CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Even though the Bank of Canada has stated that it will keep interest rates stable until next year, over half (54%) of Canadians say they are more...
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Survey: Cash-strapped Canadians may be treating homes like ATMs to pay bills
20 août 2019 06h00 HE | MNP Ltd.
Three in ten Canadian homeowners with a HELOC say they have used the funds borrowed to pay down other debts.Over a third say they have used the money to do things they otherwise wouldn’t have been...
MNP Consumer Debt Index - July 2019
Survey: Canadians wary and embarrassed about seeking debt relief
29 juil. 2019 06h00 HE | MNP Ltd.
Half say they would be too embarrassed to seek helpThree in ten say they don’t know how to get out of debt or where to turn for helpOver half say they have difficulty trusting companies to help get...
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MNP Consumer Debt Index drops 4 points underscoring Canadians’ deteriorating financial situation
22 avr. 2019 06h00 HE | MNP Ltd.
Canadians’ perception of their debt situation has been on a gradual decline, and now sits near its lowest point since tracking began in June 2017.Confidence in ability to absorb an interest rate...