Park Hotels & Resorts Announces Four Hotels Achieved ENERGY STAR® Certification for Superior Energy Performance in 2020
22 avr. 2021 06h00 HE
Park Hotels & Resorts Inc.
TYSONS, Va., April 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Park Hotels & Resorts Inc. (NYSE: PK) (“Park”) today announced that four of its hotels: Hilton Seattle Airport and Conference Center, Hilton Santa...
Furry Friends Help Boy Learn Life Lessons in New Children’s Book
14 déc. 2020 10h51 HE
Lafayette, Ind., Dec. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- “Towhead and the Paintbrush” by Helen L. Merrell and Rita K. Fisher is the endearing story of a young boy learning bravery and responsibility with...
Evlin yrityslainarahastot noudattavat tiukempaa poissulkemista ja aloittavat systemaattisemman vastuullisuustyön
06 mai 2020 03h00 HE
Evli Pankki Oyj
EVLI PANKKI OYJ:N LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE 6.5.2020 KLO 10.00 (EET/EEST) Vastuullisuus on yksi Evlin lähivuosien strategisista painopistealueista, ja tämän myötä myös yrityslainarahastojen vastuullisuuden...
Stricter exclusion and more emphasis on responsibility in Evli’s corporate bond funds
06 mai 2020 03h00 HE
Evli Bank Plc
EVLI BANK PLC PRESS RELEASE MAY 6, 2020 AT 10.00 AM. (EET/EEST) Responsibility is one of Evli’s strategic focus areas for the coming years and Evli is thereby also placing more emphasis on the...
Evlin Vastuullisen sijoittamisen toimintakertomus 2019 julkaistu
14 avr. 2020 03h00 HE
Evli Pankki Oyj
EVLI PANKKI OYJ:N LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE 14.4.2020, klo 10.00 (EET/EEST) Evlissä vastuullisuus on tärkeä osa salkunhoitoa. Vastuullisuuteen on luotu systemaattiset prosessit, jotka varmistavat, että...
Evli’s Responsible Investment Annual Report 2019 published
14 avr. 2020 03h00 HE
Evli Bank Plc
EVLI BANK PLC PRESS RELEASE APRIL 14, 2020 AT 10.00 AM. (EET/EEST) Responsibility is an important part of portfolio management at Evli. Systematic processes have been established for responsibility...
Evli höjer ansvarsfullhet till strategiskt fokusområde
27 janv. 2020 03h00 HE
Evli Bank Plc
EVLI BANK ABP:S PRESSMEDDELANDE 27.1.2020 KL. 10.00 (EET/EEST) Evli kommer att ytterligare lägga vikt på ansvarsfullhet och jobba aktivt för dess utveckling. Därför har Evli beslutat att under...
Evli nostaa vastuullisuuden strategiseksi fokusalueeksi
27 janv. 2020 03h00 HE
Evli Pankki Oyj
EVLI PANKKI OYJ:N LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE 27.1.2020 KLO 10.00 (EET/EEST) Evli haluaa entistä enemmän panostaa vastuullisuuteen ja sen aktiiviseen kehittämiseen, minkä johdosta Evli on päättänyt nostaa...
Evli raises responsibility to a strategic focus area
27 janv. 2020 03h00 HE
Evli Bank Plc
EVLI BANK PLC PRESS RELEASE JANUARY 27, 2020 AT 10.00 AM. (EET/EEST) Evli seeks to invest even more in responsibility, which is why Evli has decided to make responsibility one of its strategic...
Monticello Consulting Group CEO Elected to Children’s Village Board of Trustees
15 oct. 2019 08h00 HE
Monticello Consulting Group
NEW YORK, Oct. 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Monticello today announced that its founder & CEO, William Morgan, has been elected to join the Board of Trustees of the Children’s Village. The...