Westfield Health and Rehabilitation Offering Additional Acupuncture Appointments
25 oct. 2015 10h00 HE
Westfield Health & Rehabilitation
WESTFIELD, N.J., Oct. 25, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Westfield Health and Rehabilitation is now offering extended hours for patients seeking acupuncture treatments. Shara Resende, licensed...
Westfield Chiropractors Introduce Tuesday "Health and Wellness Nights"
06 mars 2014 07h00 HE
Advanced Wellness of Westfield
WESTFIELD, N.J., March 6, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Westfield chiropractors Dr. John Pinto, Dr. Michael Batla and Dr. Jefrey Roseff of Advanced Wellness of Westfield are starting a new tradition they...
Chiropractic Clinic in Westfield Uses Social Media to Connect With Patients, Community
01 sept. 2013 10h00 HE
Advanced Wellness of Westfield
WESTFIELD, N.J., Sept. 1, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new Westfield chiropractic center has plugged itself into the world of modern social media to make itself more accessible both locally and...