Sika Group with a Significant Growth in Sales

In 1999, the Sika Group, active in the core businesses Construction Chemicals and Adhesives, has achieved net sales of CHF 1 683 m (previous year CHF 1 572 m), which corresponds to a sustainable growth by + 7.1 % (resp. + 8.5 % in local currencies [lc]). In the fourth quarter, net sales grew by + 15.2 % (+ 12.0 % in lc).

The Region Europe shows a continuously dynamic growth of + 6.9 % (+ 9.2 % in lc). North Amer-ica achieved a sales growth of + 15.9 %, with an above-average growth in the fourth quarter of + 33.3 % (+ 15.5 % in lc). Latin America schedules a pleasant sales growth in the fourth quarter of + 8.6 % (+ 18.0 % in lc), on year’s basis, it had to put up with currency losses of – 16 %. In Asia / Pacific, the upward trend has been confirmed, with a growth of sales by + 12.9 % (+ 1.8 % in lc).

The business unit Construction Chemicals achieved net sales of CHF 1 252 m (CHF 1 197 m), which corresponds to a growth of + 4.6 %. The business unit Industrial Materials continued its above-average sales growth with a rate of + 15.1 % up to CHF 431 m (CHF 375 m).

Based on the present results, the Group expects a net profit of approx. CHF 92 m (CHF 79 m).

In view of the favourable market conditions, the Sika Group strives again for an internal growth of net sales by 6 to 8 % as well as for an above-average growth in earnings in the current year.

The Board of Sika Finanz AG applies to the annual general meeting an increase in dividend up to 21 % (previous year 19 %).

Important dates 2000:

May 2, 2000
Next letter to the shareholders
May 2, 2000
Media conference / meeting with financial analysts in Zurich
May 31, 2000
Annual general meeting in Zug

The letter to the shareholders is attached as a pdf-file:


Letter to the Shareholders 1999