BBH sells its stake in the Lithuanian brewery Kalnapilis

On 9 November 2000 the competition authorities in Lithuania approved the establishment of Carlsberg Breweries A/S on condition that one of the three breweries owned by Carlsberg Breweries and Baltic Beverages Holding (BBH) be sold.

The Board of Directors of BBH has now decided to sell its 87% interest in the Kalnapilis brewery. Efforts to find a new owner will commence immediately.

The Board of Directors of BBH will consider, at a later stage, to merge the Svyturys brewery, owned by Carlsberg Breweries, with the Utenos Alos brewery, owned by BBH. This merger will need the approval from the minority shareholders and the competition authorities in Lithuania. Assuming the approval is given, Thomas Kucinskas, Managing Director of Svyturys, will be appointed Managing Director of all BBH’s operations in Lithuania.

Kalnapilis became a part of BBH in 1994 and produced 40-million litre beer in 2000.