Fraud within the building industry

Last Friday, on the television programme Zembla, A. Bos, the former executive director of the construction company Koop Tjuchem, accused his previous employer of making cartel agreements with other construction companies and bribing officials. He claims that as the executive director of the construction company, for many years he kept a parallel set of accounts that reveal the existence of widespread fraud within the building industry. A number of projects in which Heijmans is involved were also mentioned during the programme. Over the last few days the newspapers have been full of articles covering what is now being described as 'the most extensive case of fraud in the history of the Netherlands'. Reason enough to explain precisely what is going on, the standpoint adopted by Heijmans in this respect, the steps that have already been taken and the measures that have yet to be implemented.
For information contact:
Heijmans N.V.
Group Communications Service
A.H.M. van Lith
Tel.: +31 (0)73 528 92 32