Source: DPK Public Relations

Schipul - The Web Marketing Company Launches Homeowner-Focused Web Site Promoting Appraisal Relief

HOUSTON, TX -- (MARKET WIRE) -- November 15, 2006 -- Schipul - The Web Marketing Company (, a worldwide provider of Web marketing solutions, has launched a new interactive Web site promoting Texas Appraisal Relief. The new site,, enables Texas homeowners to educate themselves and share their opinions about the state's property appraisal process.

The Texas Appraisal Relief Web site also enables Texas taxpayers to express their feelings to The Texas Task Force on Appraisal Reform (TFAR) over the coming weeks.

Governor Rick Perry created the TFAR in August 2006 saying, "Reforms are needed to bring greater fairness to the property tax appraisal system." The task force has been charged with gathering public input on potential changes to the current Texas property tax appraisal process and making actionable recommendations to present to legislative leaders before January 9, 2007.

Powered by Tendenci® Web marketing software ( from Schipul, the Texas Appraisal Relief site is loaded with Web-based tools designed to encourage a dynamic flow of information to educate Texas homeowners and encourage individuals to get involved.

Public suggestions and comments about the current Texas property tax appraisal system will be gathered on the new Texas Appraisal Relief site via public forum discussions and contact forms. Visitors can also post comments, questions and suggestions on articles and press releases featured on the site. The site will also offer podcasts and web chats with Task Force members and elected officials in the near future.

Rising property taxes have been a source of great anxiety and concern to Texas families. Homeowners should be an active part of the ongoing dialogue about how to achieve meaningful appraisal relief," said Harris County Judge Robert Eckels.

Harris County Judge Robert Eckels, who sits on the Task Force, has called the Web site a valuable public forum and applauded the team at Schipul for applying their expertise to making the site interactive, user friendly, and citizen-driven.

The Web site is timely because appraisal relief is a high priority for Texas families and will be a key issue in the upcoming Texas legislative session. It empowers homeowners from every corner of the state to be a part of the dialogue through the convenience of the Internet.

"The team has put together a site that gives Texans an interactive venue to express their frustrations and to offer solutions," said Eckels.

Interested homeowners are encouraged to visit the site by mid-December and offer their input on how Texas can enact meaningful appraisal reform. The Appraisal Relief Web site is a citizen-focused initiative designed to give Texas homeowners a voice in the process of developing policy recommendations that protect taxpayers from skyrocketing property appraisals. It is not paid for at government expense.

The Texas Appraisal Reform site utilizes Tendenci's content management system to make it possible to add and edit content without having to go through a third party. With Tendenci's article and press release module, backers of appraisal relief can post updates that are automatically optimized for search engines. The site's Texas Tax Appraisal event calendar keeps taxpayers aware of local meetings and offers online registration for special events.

About Schipul - The Web Marketing Company

Schipul - The Web Marketing Company developed and builds on the Tendenci® association management software. Schipul is based in Houston, and provides marketing services on the Internet to a variety of service industries in local, national and international markets. Schipul's clients include Clear Channel Exhibits, National Pharmacy Technician Association, The Children's Fund, Wolff Companies and DPK Public Relations. Additional information about Schipul is available at and

Contact Information: MEDIA CONTACT Dan Keeney, APR DPK Public Relations 832-467-2904 Email Contact