Source: Automobile Club of Southern California

Auto Club: Gas Prices Post Some Slight Decreases, Stay Stable in Other Areas

LOS ANGELES, CA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- December 8, 2006 -- While gasoline prices came down by almost two cents in the past week in Los Angeles and Orange counties, they remained mostly unchanged in other areas of Southern California, according to the Automobile Club of Southern California's Weekend Gas Watch.

The average price of self-serve regular gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area is $2.470, which is 1.9 cents lower than last week, nine cents higher than last month, and 11 cents higher than last year. In San Diego, the price is $2.539, five-tenths of one cent below last week's price, 13 cents above last month, and 16 cents above last year. On the Central Coast, the average price is $2.708, down seven-tenths of a cent from last week, seven cents above last month, and 20 cents higher than last year. In the Inland Empire, the average price is $2.498, unchanged from last week, 12 cents higher than last month, and 11 cents higher than last year.

"Gas prices have remained fairly stable in California since the Thanksgiving holiday," said Auto Club spokesperson Carol Thorp. "Oil industry analysts aren't seeing any signs in the market that would cause significant price decreases or increases in the near future."

The Weekend Gas Watch monitors the average price of gasoline as of 12:01 a.m., Dec. 8:

Area                      Regular    One-week change   Record Price
Los Angeles - Long
 Beach                    $2.470     -1.9 cents        $3.402 (5/13/2006)

Orange County             $2.421     -1.5 cents        $3.371 (5/17/2006)

San Diego                 $2.539     -0.5 cent         $3.438 (5/15/2006)

Santa Barbara - Santa
 Maria - Lompoc           $2.708     -0.7 cent         $3.491 (5/16/2006)

Riverside - San
 Bernardino               $2.498     No change         $3.445 (5/15/2006)

Bakersfield               $2.553     +0.3 cent         $3.450 (5/16/2006)

Las Vegas, NV             $2.469     +0.3 cent         $3.176 (5/17/2006)

Contact Information: Contact: Marie Montgomery/Jeffrey Spring (714) 885-2333