Source: Automobile Club of Southern California

AAA Texas Weekend Gas Watch

HOUSTON, TX -- (MARKET WIRE) -- December 8, 2006 -- The statewide average price of self-serve regular gasoline in Texas is $2.193 a gallon, a weekly increase of seven cents, according to the AAA Texas Weekend Gas Watch.

Amarillo has the highest average on the list at $2.251 a gallon, up six cents, while the Galveston - Texas City area has the lowest average at $2.144 a gallon.

"It is too early to tell if these higher pump prices will continue throughout the year," said Rose Rougeau, spokesperson for AAA Texas. "At this point, there has not been any major storms or refinery problems that have affected production or output, but consumer demand for gasoline has been going up."

The national average for regular self-serve gasoline is $2.300 -- up five cents in one week.

AAA Texas Weekend Gas Watch monitors the average price of gasoline in Texas.

Average Daily Prices as of 12:01 AM, Dec. 8, 2006:

                    Weekly           Weekly          Record  Year Ago
Area       12/7/06  Change  12/1/06  Change 11/22/06  High   Average
-------    -------  ------  -------  ------ -------- ------  --------
National   $2.300   +5.3    $2.247   +1.4   $2.233   $3.057   $2.138
                    cents            cents           (9/5/05)
State      $2.193   +6.9    $2.124   +1.6   $2.108   $2.964   $2.060
                    cents            cents           (9/4/05)
Austin -   $2.228   +6.0    $2.168   +1.1   $2.157   $2.918   $2.052
 San                cents            cents           (9/6/05)
Amarillo   $2.251   +6.4    $2.187   +2.5   $2.162   $3.035   $2.117
                    cents            cents           (8/7/06)
Beaumont   $2.186   +8.8    $2.098   +0.8   $2.090   $2.930   $2.099
                    cents            cent            (9/4/05)
Corpus     $2.145   +11.9   $2.026   +1.1   $2.015   $2.929   $1.949
 Christi            cents            cents           (9/3/05)
Dallas     $2.194   +6.0    $2.134   +2.3   $2.111   $3.019   $2.064
                    cents            cents           (9/4/05)
El Paso    $2.184   +4.9    $2.135   +0.2   $2.133   $3.002   $2.137
                    cents            cent            (8/5/06)
Ft. Worth  $2.186   +6.7    $2.119   +1.2   $2.107   $3.012   $2.056
                    cents            cents           (9/4/05)
Galveston  $2.144   +7.2    $2.072   +1.4   $2.058   $2.997   $2.059
 - Texas            cents            cents           (9/4/05)
Houston    $2.148   +7.5    $2.073   +1.8   $2.055   $2.971   $2.051
                    cents            cents           (9/6/05)
San        $2.159   +6.8    $2.091   +1.4   $2.077   $2.909   $1.992
 Antonio            cents            cents           (9/4/05)
Texarkana  $2.220   +3.8    $2.182   +4.0   $2.142   $2.960   $2.057
 (TX only)          cents            cents           (8/7/06)

Contact Information: Contact: Rose Rougeau 1.800.888.8851 (ext. 6552)