Source: RouteMatch Software, Inc.

RouteMatch Software Makes New Web Site Informative, Convenient and Customer-Focused

Visitors Find Monthly Spotlights on Transportation Providers, Easy Registration for Free Technology Webinars and Seminars, and Personalized Software and Training Support

ATLANTA, GA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- February 6, 2007 -- RouteMatch Software, Inc. today announced its revamped and enhanced Web site -- -- with new features and functions that better inform visitors about the company and advanced transportation management technology.

Concurrently, RouteMatch Software is also launching a customer-only site -- -- which provides industry-leading customer support and services. Using RouteMatch's new support site, customers gain unparalleled access to software documentation and industry best practices. Customers can also keep in direct "virtual" contact with their own customer support team, as well as colleagues in the transportation industry.

In mid-February, RouteMatch Software will further expand the customer-only section to include an online chat forum and Knowledgebase section. "Time and time again, our customers tell us that they value our industry-leading customer training and support, and our educational sessions that inform and bring transportation colleagues together for the sharing of best practices," said Beth Noland, director of marketing. "We listened to our customers and have essentially created a transportation management community forum and a place where our customers can feel at home."

The new Web site will be easier to navigate and more user-friendly and includes the following new features:

--  A global Webinar and seminar section supporting fast and easy online
    registration where interested transportation organizations can sign up to
    attend RouteMatch-sponsored free events on important technology topics,
--  A monthly spotlight on transportation providers, highlighting how they
    benefit from advanced transportation technology and agency return on
    investment statistics,
--  An updated FAQ section for prospects and customers,
--  An improved site search engine, and a
--  Scheduling function, allowing visitors to pre-schedule meetings with
    RouteMatch staff at industry tradeshows and conferences.
The new site will include the following new features:
--  Documentation for additional modules such as AVL, MDC, IVR and
--  An online chat forum for customers to post questions and answers to
    colleagues or the customer support team, and
--  Easier registration for state and regional user group meetings, online
    training sessions, and the annual user conference.
About RouteMatch Software

RouteMatch Software is a proven leader in transportation and logistics technology and services, with specific expertise in demand-response and paratransit systems. Targeting private and public sector transportation providers, the company's products address routing, scheduling, dispatching, billing, reporting, fixed-route integration, and transportation coordination. Founded in 1999, the company is headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., and its software is currently in use at more than 185 sites in 38 states across the U.S., including statewide implementations in North Carolina, South Carolina, Iowa and Tennessee. Additional information about RouteMatch Software products is available at or by calling RouteMatch Marketing Services toll-free at 1-888-840-8791 or 404-876-5160. Current customers may contact RouteMatch at 1-866-653-3629.

Contact Information: For More Information, Contact: Beth Noland (404-876-5160) Email Contact