Source: Eileen Koch & Company (EKC PR)

Par Three Prophetess: Jacqueline Gagne Makes Golf History After Her Astounding 14th Hole in 1!

RANCHO MIRAGE, CA--(Marketwire - May 29, 2007) - For 46-year-old gifted golfer Jacqueline Gagne, rarity has become routine. By her own hand (and some say the hand of God himself), she has managed to re-create the miraculous time and again. After her astounding FOURTEENTH hole-in-one (all since January 2007) playing with friends at Desert Willow Golf Resort, she has now become something of a Par Three Prophetess!

Gagne, a passionate player of the sport (though no pro herself), began playing regularly when she moved out to the desert from Rhode Island in 2003. Although she carries improved odds from almost daily play, there is still no explanation for the STROKE of luck/skill that Jacqueline has come into. And to the skeptics and Doubting Thomases about, each and every ace has been authenticated. From drive to cup, follow through to sink -- these miraculous matters are always witnessed.

Shakespeare said, "Some are born great, others achieve greatness, and some people have greatness thrust upon them." For Jacqueline Gagne -- all of the above are true!

Already becoming something of a Links celebrity, the press is lining up to hear the staggering story directly from the golfer's mouth. Being hounded for newspapers (Wall Street Journal, USA Today, London Times) and radio interviews, as well as slated spots ranging from the CBS "Early Show" to "Letterman" to "GMA," this is one story that has all of America gasping.

But all of this pomp and circumstance isn't getting in the way of the game. To the humble sportswoman who lives a quiet, simple life, she simply adores the chance to play, the inherent challenge and, of course, the outdoors. Gagne has gone from beginner (4 years ago), to something of a serious competitor. Her handicap now dropped to 7, she's likely to break 80 on most regulation courses.

However, it is her natural talent coupled with this flair for the impossible which is most striking. With the odds just under 114 million billion (114 quadrillion) to 1, it's safe to say that Jacqueline Gagne is looking for number eleven. And the odds are glaringly in her golfing favor.


For more information and or to interview/book Jacqueline, please contact Eileen Koch @ Eileen Koch & Company, 310.441.1000 or e-mail at Please visit

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