Source: Teague Communications

Bowker Reports U.S. Book Production Rebounded Slightly in 2006

New Juvenile Titles Plunge, Adult Fiction Titles Climb

NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ--(Marketwire - May 31, 2007) - R.R. Bowker, the global leader in bibliographic information management, today released statistics on U.S. book publishing for 2006, compiled from its Books In Print® database. Based on preliminary figures from U.S. publishers, Bowker is projecting that U.S. title output in 2006 increased by more than 3% to 291,920 new titles and editions, up from the 282,500 published in 2005.

This rise reverses the title output drop experienced in 2005, which came after seven years of increases and a peak of 295,523 new titles issued in 2004.

"What these statistics for last year illustrate is that most publishers are done with retrenching for the time being," said Kelly Gallagher, general manager of the business intelligence business unit for New Providence, N.J.-based Bowker. "But since the overall numbers have not yet returned to the level of 2004, it shows the industry is still being cautious about what books they add to their catalogs."

Among the major publishing categories, juvenile title output plunged in the double digits, with the number of new titles dropping to 29,248 in 2006, a sharp decline of 10% from 32,112 released in 2005. That number was 18% lower than the 37,976 juvenile titles released in 2004, putting the two-year output drop at 30%.

"Children's publishers understand that not every book will turn into a 'Harry Potter' series and there are only so many books a young reader will find in the course of a year," explained Michael Norris, senior analyst of Book Publishing Report. "With publishers being forced to take on a proactive role in marketing 'teen' and 'tween' titles with more innovative strategies such as social networking, author blogs and other online initiatives, there are only so many new juvenile books that can be supported."

Adult fiction titles, on the other hand, reversed a slide recorded in previous years by climbing to 42,076 new titles in 2006, a nearly 17% increase from 34,927 new titles produced in 2005.

"Blockbuster books just aren't enough to lift the industry," said Norris. "Recognizing this, publishers are exploiting the market opportunity of producing niche books targeted to small audiences who are passionate about the subject. For example, books on vampires, auto racing and paranormal romance are just a few of the small and vibrant categories out there."

Other noteworthy findings in Bowker's 2006 statistics included the following:

--  Categories that are the most challenged by the emergence of new online
    content showed declines in title output for 2006.  For example, the number
    of new computer books declined by more than 11% from 6,092 in 2005 to 5,498
    titles in 2006.  Though travel books managed a 4% rise to 5,155 in 2006,
    that figure is still down 3% from the 5,304 titles released in 2004.
--  With the cooking category being led more and more by Food Network
    icons and national, trusted brand names, the output for the category
    dropped 10%, from 3,062 new titles in 2005 to 2,793 in 2006.
--  Among the hottest categories last year were biographies, which
    increased by 15% from 8,904 new titles in 2005 to 10,489 in 2006, and
    business books, which climbed 12% to 9,006 new titles, up from 7,885 titles
    released in 2005.
--  The religious book category recovered from its 2005 free-fall with
    17,921 titles released in 2006.  This figure is up 6% from the 16,785
    titles released in 2005, but still 21% down from the 21,669 religious
    titles released in 2004.
"These output numbers are valuable indicators when assessing the overall direction of the industry," commented Michael Healy, executive director of the Book Industry Study Group (BISG). "When you couple Bowker's data with the recent release of the AAP Annual Report and BISG TRENDS 2007 we are able to form a more complete picture of the state of our industry -- and it's encouraging to see all the indicators showing some growth."

{Editor's Note: Due to a change in methodology this year to more accurately track and report on these figures, the statistics cited in this news release differ from the statistics cited in previous years. However, all 2005 data has been adjusted to reflect this new methodology and create accurate year-over-year comparisons. The new methodology employed represents a collaborative approach with multiple industry data aggregators to verify the numbers. This approach will become the benchmark for all of Bowker's book publishing industry data reports effective immediately.}

The book production figures in this news release are based on year-to-date data from U.S. publishers and include traditional print as well as on-demand titles. Audiobooks and E-books are excluded. If changes in industry estimates occur, they will be reflected in a later published report. Books In Print data represents input from 83,000 publishers in the U.S. The data is sent to Bowker in electronic files, and via BowkerLink™, Bowker's password protected Web-based tool, which enables publishers to update and add their own data.

Books In Print is the only bibliographic database with more than 6.5 million U.S. book, audiobook and video titles. It is widely regarded throughout the publishing industry as the most authoritative and comprehensive source of bibliographic data available worldwide, and has been a trusted source of data in North America for more than 50 years.

About Bowker

Bowker is the world's leading source for bibliographic information. The company provides searching, analytical, promotional, and ordering services to publishers, booksellers, libraries, and patrons through national and international brands, including: Books In Print®, Global Books In Print®, Books In Print IntelliMarket™, Syndetic Solutions™, Pubnet®, PubEasy™, Simba Information™, and more. In the U.S. and Puerto Rico, Bowker is also the ISBN and SAN Agency and a DOI registration agency for the publishing industry. Bowker is headquartered in New Providence, New Jersey, with operations in East Grinstead, England, and Port Melbourne, Australia. For more company details, please visit

Contact Information: Media Contact: Daryn Teague Teague Communications (661) 297-5292 Email Contact