Source: Terpin Communications

The American Dream Goes Pop: Subprime Homeowners Deluded Themselves With Costly Shortcuts, Says America's Life Coach

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - August 20, 2007) -

Summary: The well-publicized "credit crunch" now punishing the stock market and evaporating billions of dollars from the value of homes throughout the world has its seeds in the all-too-common, yet hugely destructive, habit of looking for shortcuts instead of doing the hard work.

Sold on the American dream to own a home, people jumped on attractive flexible-rate loans, knowing deep down that they hadn't put in the work to afford the balloon payments due after just a few short years. Now the dream is coming to a very bad end, with foreclosure mounting to an all-time high.

The problem is much bigger than just a credit crunch that could be eased by the Fed, says Life Coach Devlyn Steele ( "This is part of the recurring trend in American thinking: instant gratification. We see it in all areas of American life, with people taking dangerous short cuts in wanting to get rich overnight, lose weight instantly, take pills to solve complex problems, and much more.

"As a nation -- and as individuals -- we face dangers to our health and financial security. We need to instill a foundation of solid behavior that will lead to a healthy and productive life." Coach Steele is on such a mission, offering a groundbreaking "self-directed self help" program and social support network. The revolutionary free system is available on the Internet at and has received rave reviews from more than 500 graduates of the program who say it has dramatically bettered their lives:

Who: Often referred to as "America's Leading Life-Coach," Devlyn Steele, author and creator of Tools to Life, has made it his personal mission to help people find ways to improve their lives. He has counseled celebrities and sports stars, hosted his own radio shows, and has been a guest on more than 150 radio and television shows. He is also the author of The Online Dating Kit and various articles that are published in magazines, newspapers and throughout the Internet.

The Tools to Life program guides its members through an interactive 90-day program of self discovery, teaching them how to control their impulsive behaviors and apply these actions to achieve amazing personal success in all areas of life. The community offers its members support, accountability, encouragement, best practices and shared tips for personal improvement.

When: Devlyn Steele is available immediately to comment on the behavior that has caused the credit crunch and what individual homeowners and investors can do about bettering their lives.

Contact Information: Media Contact: Elina Heng Terpin Communications 310-821-6100 x108