Source: Capital Link

Reminder: Analyst Panel Discussion on the Container Sector; Today, Tuesday, September 18, 2007 -- 11:00 am EDT -- 4:00 pm London Time

Live Audio Webcast at

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - September 18, 2007) - Shipping Analysts from

--  Credit Suisse (Gregory Lewis)
--  Maxim Group (Charles Rupinski)
--  Merrill Lynch (Ken Hoexter)

will participate in a Virtual Panel discussion on the Container Shipping sector today, Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 11:00 am EDT.

The Virtual Analyst Forum is organized by Capital Link, a New York-based Investor Relations and Financial Communications firm focusing on shipping, in cooperation with the New York Stock Exchange.


A live audio webcast of the Analyst Forum will be available on Capital Link's Shipping website at, where it will remain archived afterwards. Participants to live webcast should register on the website approximately ten minutes prior to the start of the webcast.


The panel discussion will be moderated by Gregg Krowitz, Managing Director of the New York Stock Exchange. The focus of the discussion (and the Q&A) will be on sector trends and fundamentals, as opposed to company recommendations. The discussion will cover four topics: demand, supply, freight rates and asset values, valuations, focusing on current trends and the sector's outlook.


Participants can submit questions to the analysts prior to or during the event through the special event page at


A transcript of the panel discussion will be publicly available within approximately 48 hours after the event and those interested can request it from

About Container Shipping

Container shipping relates to the movement of a wide range of goods from one part of the world to another in a unitized form. The containers used in seaborne container transportation are metal boxes of standard dimensions, generally either 20 or 40 feet long, 8.5 feet high and eight feet wide. The standard unit of measure in container shipping is the 20-foot equivalent unit, or TEU.

Participants in the container shipping industry include "liner" companies, who operate container shipping services, containership owners, often known as charter owners, who own containerships and charter them out to the operators, and shippers who require the seaborne movement of containerized goods.

Containers are one of the important innovations of transportation logistics and revolutionized cargo shipping. The use of containers caused a significant reduction in port handling, thus lowering costs and helping lower freight charges and, in turn, boosting trade flows. An ever increasing proportion of the world's manufactured goods is shipped in freight containers. Today, approximately 90% of non-bulk cargo worldwide moves by containers stacked on transport ships; 26% of all containers originate from China. There are reportedly 16 million containers on the move at any one time, carrying everything from microchips to scrap paper.

The range of containership owners is diverse, including liner companies, which are often significant corporate entities, and charter owners, who are often part of wider groups involved in other shipping activities. Shipowning generally requires a relatively high level of capital investment. Ownership of the Panamax and above sized sector is less fragmented than the ownership of smaller vessels.

Container vessels are mainly "cellular," which means they are equipped with metal guide rails for rapid loading and unloading and more secure carriage; container vessels may be "geared," which means the they are equipped with cranes for loading and unloading containers. All large container vessels are fully cellular and call at developed ports with adequate shore-based loading and unloading equipment and facilities. Container vessels with cargo capacity below 2,000 TEU are often geared, so that they may call on ports that do not have adequate shore-based loading and unloading facilities.

Vessel capacity is measured by the number of container boxes a vessel can carry, with the twenty-foot equivalent (TEU) being the standard container box size. Container vessels may be classified according to their size as follows: (1) Very Large Container Carrier (VLCS) -- a container vessel with a capacity of over 7,500 TEU; (2) Post-Panamax -- a container vessel with a width too large to transit the Panama Canal and a capacity of up to 7,500 TEU; (3) Panamax -- a container vessel with a width within the dimensions required to transit the Panama Canal and a capacity between 4,000 and 5,050 TEU; and (4) Sub-Panamax -- a container vessel with a capacity of up to 4,000 TEU. Containerships above 3,000 TEU are also called "Deep Sea" as they service the main and longer trade routes, those between 1,000 TEU and 3,000 TEU are also called "Intermediate" as they service regional trade routes and those below 1,000 TEU are also called "Feeder" as they service intra-regional trade routes., often relaying or "feeding" cargo within a region from or to main port hubs served by main lane trade routes.

Container Ship companies listed on US Exchanges include Danaos Corporation (NYSE: DAC) and Seaspan Corporation (NYSE: SSW) which operate globally. Horizon Lines (NYSE: HRZ) is a Jones Act container shipping company and Alexander & Baldwin (NASDAQ: ALEX) is also engaged in container shipping among other activities. Euroseas (NASDAQ: ESEA) and Goldenport Holdings (LSE: GPRT) who operate globally have the majority of their fleets in container vessels. Aries Maritime Transport (NASDAQ: RAMS) has a smaller portion of its fleet in containerships.

Schedule of Capital Link Shipping Forums:

Capital Link is organizing a series of Investor Forums focused on shipping, as follows:

Dry Bulk Analyst Virtual Forum           Wednesday, September 5, 2007 at
                                          11:00 am EDT (done)
Container Analyst Virtual Forum          Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at
                                          11:00 am EDT
Tanker Analyst Virtual Forum             Thursday, September 20, 2007 at
                                          11:00 am EDT
London - Invest in Shipping Forum        Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Dry Bulk CEO Virtual Forum               Wednesday, January 30, 2008
                                          at 11:00 am EST
New York - 2nd Invest in Shipping Forum  Thursday, March 20, 2008


Capital Link Shipping is a web-based resource whose objective is to facilitate investor knowledge and understanding of shipping and its listed companies, and to facilitate the exchange of information among listed companies, industry participants and investors. The site provides information on the major shipping and stock market indices, as well as on all shipping stocks. It also features industry reports from major industry participants and interviews with CEOs, analysts and other market participants.

The information on the website is not an offer to buy or sell any kind of securities nor does it constitute investment advice of any kind. Capital Link does not represent or warrant the accuracy of the information in this site. The user of the site acknowledges that he/she accesses the information at his/her own risk and cannot hold Capital Link liable for any matter in any way and will use the website in accordance with the Terms and Conditions specified on the website.

The website is operated by Capital Link, a New York-based Investor Relations and Financial Communications firm with a strategic focus on shipping.

Contact Information: Contact for Capital Link Shipping: Nicolas Bornozis President Capital Link, Inc. 230 Park Avenue - Suite 1536 New York, N.Y. 10169 Tel. (212) 661-7566 Fax (212) 661-7526 E-mail: