Source: Cisco Systems, Inc.

WebEx PCNow Provides Remote Access for the Apple Mac

Free 30-Day Trial of WebEx PCNow for Mac Users

SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwire - January 15, 2008) - MacWorld, Cisco WebEx, South Hall, booth #2735 -- On-demand collaboration applications and services leader WebEx, now part of Cisco® (NASDAQ: CSCO), today announced that WebEx PCNow, an on-demand, remote-access service for both desktop and wireless devices, has extended its support to include the Apple Mac. The cross-platform support helps enable PCNow users to make any connection (PC-to-PC, PC-to-Mac, Mac-to-PC and Mac-to-Mac) providing seamless telecommuting and easy access to files and programs on either platform. Mac users can register for a free 30-day trial at

"PC at work, Mac at home? No problem. The cross-platform support that PCNow delivers is a significant step in providing Mac users easier integration into the enterprise," said Jack Chawla, director of product management, Cisco WebEx. "It's bridging the gap between our digital lives, from home to work computer, proving WebEx is committed to delivering the leading products for remote tasks from anywhere, at anytime."

WebEx PCNow is the first remote-access solution to support both PC-to-PC and phone-to-PC access. This new version now also provides cross-platform support including PC-to-Mac, Mac-to-PC and Mac-to-Mac. Designed to deliver the same experience as working on one's own computer, WebEx PCNow provides an easy-to-use, highly secure connection from any computer via any Internet connection delivering the capability to do desktop searches, find contacts, use the calendar, work on documents and send and receive e-mail.

Additional new WebEx PCNow features include:

--  Cross-Platform Support -- Provides PC-to-PC, PC-to-Mac, Mac-to-PC or
    Mac-to-Mac support all with AES-128 encryption and authentication yet is
    firewall friendly for easy remote connection.
--  Guest Invite -- Invite a guest to view and/or control the desktop of
    your PC or Mac.
--  Remote Webcam Streaming -- Watch and listen from your remote

Pricing and Availability

PCNow is available today for $10.35 per month. For more information or to sign up for a free 30-day trial, visit

About Cisco

Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. Information about Cisco can be found at For ongoing news, please go to

With 2.5 million registered users, Cisco WebEx is the global leader in on-demand applications for collaborative business on the web. WebEx offers a full suite of Web collaboration applications for specific business processes including marketing, sales, training, and support. Companies of every size gain strategic advantage by using WebEx to replace high-cost/high-touch interactions with efficient Web-touch interactions. WebEx applications work across firewalls and across platforms, making them ideal for both internal and external collaboration. Cisco WebEx provides its services over the WebEx MediaTone Network, a secure global network specifically designed for on-demand applications. Please call toll free 877-509-3239 or visit for more information.

Cisco, the Cisco logo, Cisco Systems, WebEx and MediaTone are registered trademarks or trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. This document is Cisco Public Information.

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