Tyson President and CEO Supports Petition to Relax Ethanol Mandate

SPRINGDALE, Ark., April 25, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Tyson (NYSE:TSN) President and CEO Richard L. Bond today issued the following statement in response to Texas Governor Rick Perry's request for a 50 percent waiver from the federal renewable fuel standard (RFS) mandate for ethanol produced from grain:

"We applaud Governor Perry for his decision to petition the EPA for a partial waiver from the ethanol mandate. Something has to be done to address corn-based ethanol's detrimental impact on food prices and this is a good first step.

As a major employer in Texas, with more than 10,000 Team Members, we appreciate Governor Perry's efforts and hope other states will follow his lead. In addition, we hope Congress will also do the right thing by removing the tariff on imported, sugar-based ethanol and by reducing or eliminating the 51 cent per gallon federal tax credit for ethanol produced from corn in the U.S."

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