The General Shareholders' Meeting of AB “Klaipėdos baldai” held on 25-04-2008 has passed the following resoliutions

The General Shareholders' Meeting of AB “Klaipėdos baldai” held on 25-04-2008
has passed the following resolutions: 

1. To approve the Supervisory Council's reports and proposals regarding the
Company's annual financial accountability statements, profit distribution
project and the Company's annual report for the year 2007. 

2. To approve the Auditor's Report on the Company's annual financial
accountability statements for the year 2007. 

3. To approve the financial accountability statements for the year 2007.

4. To approve the appropriation of profit for the year 2007.

Articles                                      Amount      Amount      
                                              thousand/Lt thousand/EUR  
 Retained earnings (loss) in the end of last   27014      7824       
 fiscal year                                                         
 Net profit (loss)                              3016       873       
 Distributable result-profit (loss) in the     30030      8697       
 end of fiscal year                                                  
 The contribution of stockholders for the        -           -           
 loss refund                                                         
 Transfer from the reserve                      1080       313         
 Distributable earnings                        31110      9010       
 The distribution of profit:                                         
 reserves set by law                            -           -           
 other reserves (to settle for the own stocks) (2500)     (724)           
 dividends                                      -           -           
 other                                          -           -           
 Retained earnings in the end of fiscal year   28610      8286       

5.  To elect UAB “PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS” to act as auditor for the year 2008
and to fix the remuneration thereof. 

6. To elect the following persons to be the members of the Supervisory Council:
Dalia Maleckienė, Egidijus Valentinavicius and Virgilijus Rancys. 

Ramunas Marozas

Authorized person for provision of further information 
Rima Olberkytė-Stankus
Tel.: 8-5-2101681