Source: Institutional Investor

Credit Suisse Is No. 1 in Latin American Equities Research, According to Institutional Investor Survey

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - June 11, 2008) - Latin American markets have proved to be surprisingly resilient to the worldwide credit crisis: the MSCI Latin America emerging-markets index gained 45.2 percent in dollar terms for the 12 months ended May 15. During the same period, the MSCI world index tumbled 3.1 percent.

This resilience has intensified investor interest. Money managers who participated in the 2008 Latin America Research Team survey, Institutional Investor's annual ranking of the region's best equity analysts, say no firm does a better job of covering these dynamic markets than Credit Suisse. The Swiss banking behemoth, which rises from second place, captures 18 total team positions, four more than last year, including six first-place finishes, double its number in 2007.

Full survey results are available at

UBS Pactual slips from first to second, with 17 team positions. Rising one notch each, to third and fourth place, respectively, are Merrill Lynch (12 positions) and Santander Investment Securities (nine). JPMorgan is the biggest gainer among the top ten firms, leaping from No. 7 to No. 5; the firm wins eight positions:

Rank      Firm                                    Total Positions

1         Credit Suisse                                   18
2         UBS Pactual                                     17
3         Merrill Lynch                                   12
4         Santander Investment Securities                  9
5         JPMorgan                                         8

The results reflect the opinions of 375 buy-side analysts and investment professionals at 230 institutions, which collectively manage an estimated $323 billion in Latin American equities.

Contact Information: Contact Information: Chris Cavanagh 212-224-3369 Full Survey Results: