Annual general meeting to be held on Wednesday 27 August 2008 at 11.30 a.m.

Annual General Meeting to be held with the following agenda:

1. Election of a chariman of the meeting.

2. Presentation of management report.

3. Presentation of the annual report for adoption.

4. Resolution on application of profits in accordance with the annual report
   as approved.

5. Election of members to sit on the board of directors.
   The members elected at the general meeting are proposed for re-election.

6. Election of company auditor.
   KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab is proposed for re-election.

7. Proposals submitted.
   The board of directors recommends
   - that authority is given to acquire further own shares at current market
     price +/-10% in order that the holding of the company can be brought
     up to the maximum of the law of 10% of the share capital. Authority is
     wanted for the period until next years ordinary general meeting.

8. Any other business.

No other proposals have been received from the board of directors or 
shareholders for presentation at the annual general meeting.

The audited annual report as well as the agenda for the annual general 
meeting are open for inspection by the shareholders at the company office 
as of 18 August 2008.

The annual general meeting to be held on Wednesday 27 August 2008
at 11.30 a.m. at the company domicile  Industrivej Nord 25, Birk, Herning.

Permission card may be asked for at the company domicile as per §9 of 
the articles of association.

The Board of Directors
of egetæpper a/s


indk.gen.fors. 27 08 08 eng..pdf