Source: Terpin Communications

Update: Interactive 'New Source Review' (NSR) Air Quality Permitting Portal Launched Online

Citation Technologies to Power NSRonline(R)

SCOTTSDALE, AZ--(Marketwire - November 19, 2008) - Citation Technologies joined forces with RTP Environmental Associates, Inc. to launch NSRonline®, a dynamic portal for accessing historical USEPA's guidance documents and regulatory interpretations related to preconstruction air permitting programs (both Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Non-attainment Major New Source Review). NSRonline® will increase productivity of air quality professionals up to 50% thanks to an integrated collaboration platform and a clever set of productivity tools, such as the portal search ability and the tracking of regulatory document changes. NSRonline® is a subscription-based Web service offering electronic access to the Advanced New Source Review Workshop course outline which summarizes, references, and hyperlinks to various agency determinations, guidance documents and promulgation of regulation. Over 1,000 documents and 13,300 pages of information are now accessible to air quality professionals in an up-to-date, user-friendly dynamic portal that includes full-text Federal articles as referenced by New Source Review and the Workshop course outline.

"By referring to readily available descriptive sections and documents of the outline a typical subscriber may cut the time spent on researching the issue by half. In addition, this will avoid digging through scattered agency resources (both online and archived paper documents) and interacting with several layers of agency staffers," explains Gary D. McCutchen, Principal, RTP Environmental Assoc., Inc., who played a critical role in the development and implementation of the original PSD/NSR rules and is widely regarded as a national expert and leading authority on air permitting, training, strategy development and resolution of issues, including compliance and enforcement actions.

Congress established the New Source Review preconstruction permitting program as part of the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments. The NSR program assures that any large, new, or modified industrial source will not have adverse impacts on the air quality in the region, and that advances in pollution control occur concurrently with industrial expansion. NSRonline® is the premier online reference for compilation of information on the agency's New Source Review programs. Air Quality Professionals are now able to access NSRonline®'s agency determinations and guidance on all aspects of air permitting and compliance so as to minimize risk of enforcement and also evaluate past precedence for addition of new and modified, large stationary industrial sources such as electric utility plants, petroleum refineries and other industrial operations. Citation Technologies' products drive down the cost and improve the overall global consistency for environment, safety and health risk management.

About Citation Technologies, Inc.

Citation Technologies, Inc. is the premier provider of technology products and services for the presentation and management of change of global regulatory documents and intellectual properties. CyberRegs® knowledge base now sets the standard for Internet libraries of state, federal, and international regulations, laws, and supporting information serving the environmental and health and safety compliance community. More information on Citation Technologies can be found at

About RTP Environmental Associates

RTP Environmental Associates, Inc. develops timely and cost effective approaches for permit application preparation, training, modeling analyses, ambient monitoring needs, as well as testing and analytical services to satisfy all regulatory requirements. For more information, visit

NSRonline® is a registered trademark of Business Leasing Associates Gary McCutchen (U.S.A.) All other trademarks and/or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Contact Information: Media Contact: Nadia Saalabi Terpin Communications (310) 821-6100 x117