Source: The Devon Group

Condition Analyzing Corporation Contributes to Recent Acoustical Society of America American National Standard

Industry Leader in Providing Shipboard-Condition Monitoring Services Adds Expertise & Market Research

EATONTOWN, NJ--(Marketwire - June 10, 2009) - Condition Analyzing Corporation (CAC), the industry's leading provider of condition monitoring services, today announced details of its contributions to the new American National Standard published by the Acoustical Society of America. The standard, ANSI/ASA S2.28-2009, is titled "American National Standard Measurement and Evaluation of Broadband Vibration of Surface Ship Auxiliary Rotating Machinery."

Condition Analyzing Corporation's services include shipboard-vibration analysis and thermographic inspections. The company's clients include major U.S. shipping companies and the International Maritime community. Each CAC program is specifically tailored to the unique needs of the client, and clients are able to view the results of their programs 24/7 by logging into CAC's Web-based dashboard solution.

Maryon "Skip" Williams, Ph.D., senior engineer, Condition Analyzing Corporation, was the project leader for Working Group 10/Panel2, which helped develop the standard with Accredited Standards Committee S2, Mechanical Vibration and Shock. He said, "This standard draws upon Condition Analyzing Corporation's data from hundreds of ships. It's this 'real-life' evidence that lends further depth and credibility to standards such as this one and we believe it's particularly relevant to buyers and sellers of rotating machinery intended for shipboard use."

Paul D. Schomer, Ph.D., Chair of the ASA Committee on Standards, stated, "The ASA is proud to bring quality Standards like ANSI/ASA S2.28-2009 forward for the good of producers, consumers, and the general public. This standards program, subsidized by ASA, is central to the mission of ASA."

ANSI/ASA S2.28-2009 is priced at $110 and can be obtained from the Acoustical Society of America Online Store at Standards can be also be ordered by phone, fax or mail from Acoustical Society of America, 35 Pinelawn Road, Suite 114E, Melville, N.Y. 11747-3177; telephone: (631) 390-0215; fax: (631) 390-0217; e-mail:

More about The Acoustical Society of America

The Acoustical Society of America is a non-profit organization, founded in 1929. It is the premier international scientific society in acoustics, dedicated to increasing and diffusing the knowledge of acoustics and promoting its practical applications.

More about Condition Analyzing Corporation

Founded in 1969, Condition Analyzing Corporation (CAC) is the world's leading provider of shipboard-condition monitoring services. The company has helped clients save millions of dollars by reducing maintenance costs, maximizing the useful life of machinery and enhancing on-board and in-house equipment reliability. Headquartered in Eatontown, N.J., CAC's North American offices are located in the Gulf and West Coast areas of the U.S. as well as Canada; the company also maintains a strong presence in the Asia Pacific region. More information about CAC can be accessed at