Source: Ecology and Environment, Inc.

Ecology and Environment, Inc. Achieves 80-Percent Carbon Reduction at Net Cost Savings

LANCASTER, NY--(Marketwire - October 1, 2009) - Ecology and Environment, Inc. (NASDAQ: EEI) announced today that it has achieved an 80-percent reduction in annual carbon emissions associated with building energy use at its global headquarters in Lancaster, N.Y. The company's achievement -- accomplished in just nine years -- is the result of a series of measures, targeted toward not only infrastructure improvements but the direct engagement of employees in energy efficiency, that have also netted hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings.

"Climate change experts have been debating the crucial need for carbon footprint reduction over the past 25 years, and are recommending an 83-percent reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050," said E & E president and CEO Kevin Neumaier. "Based on our experience this goal is not only achievable, but if done right will foster an economic gain. Without enough data and real world examples, some fear that greenhouse gas reduction initiatives will cripple the world economy. E & E's experience over the past 9 years is that there is a path to meeting global targets, and it provides great ROI."

E & E employed a variety of GHG reduction methods that contributed to this achievement, including the development of GreenMeter® (, a "real-time" energy consumption tracking and management system designed to identify energy efficiency opportunities. In addition to developing the system, E & E installed a GreenMeter monitor in the lobby of its headquarters, allowing both employees and visitors to readily view building energy use data throughout the day.

"Actively engaging our employees in this effort was critical to our success," said Neumaier. "We did everything from post reminders about turning off unnecessary lighting and equipment, to implement an energy efficiency program that showed documented results, through GreenMeter, of how their conservation efforts were making a real and direct impact. This not only kept the momentum going, it contributed to a long-term behavioral and cultural shift among our employees. Our experience suggests that organizations the world over stand to gain as we have when they address not only the technical operations of their building, but the involvement of their most important asset -- their people."

Built in 1986, the 64,000-square-foot headquarters building is the world's oldest LEED® Platinum-certified structure under the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB) rating system. Thus, the company's 80-percent GHG reduction accomplishment is magnified by the fact that it began focused energy efficiency efforts in 1999 with a building already achieving better-than-average energy efficiency. "This is not only a testament to the fact that others can most certainly follow our lead, but that further efforts can be made within even today's 'greenest' buildings."

To learn more about E & E's sustainability initiatives, visit and download the company's recently published 2008 corporate sustainability report.

Headquartered in Lancaster, N.Y., Ecology and Environment, Inc. has completed more than 45,000 projects for a wide variety of clients in 84 countries, providing environmental solutions in nearly every ecosystem on our planet. The company is listed on the NASDAQ under the symbol EEI and is located on the web at