Source: Simeio Solutions Inc.

Simeio Solutions Announces New Version of DirectAXs Identity SaaS

Enterprises Can Deploy DirectAXs SaaS Offering in a Fraction of the Time and Costs of Traditional IAM Implementations

HOBOKEN, NJ--(Marketwire - October 19, 2009) - Simeio Solutions ( today announced the newest version of its flagship DirectAXs Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) suite. Based on pay-as-you-go subscription pricing, DirectAXs combines essential identity and access management (IAM) and governance, risk and compliance (GRC) capabilities into one hosted package that can be deployed in a fraction of the time and cost than that of a traditional IAM or GRC implementation. Customers can choose to have DirectAXs fully hosted and remotely managed by Simeio, or on premise and managed by internal IT staff. DirectAXs is ideal for both small to medium-sized and large organizations with 500-50,000 users.

DirectAXs is comprised of three main components: best-of-breed IAM and GRC products, the Identity Interceptor, and the DirectAXs Admin Console. The newest enhancement to DirectAXs is the Identity Interceptor, a hardware appliance (or software only, based on customer preference) installed on premise to communicate between the customer and the cloud. Typical enterprise deployments require 20-100 applications to be individually integrated into the IAM suite. The Identity Interceptor connects to all applications for user provisioning, single sign on, role management and compliance, integrating them all at a single point. The Identity Interceptor also offers performance caching, dynamic routing, detailed auditing and logging, and continuous health monitoring with representative governance dashboards. For maximum security, all communication in transit is SSL encrypted, while all data at rest is 3DES encrypted. Only two TCP ports (HTTPS and SFTP) are open to the cloud.

The DirectAXs Admin Console now offers unified management of IAM and GRC capabilities for a streamlined user experience. With integrated reporting, customers can generate one report instead of separate reports for each product installed. Multi-tenancy features enable multiple customers to access the same console, while data partitioning and filtering prevent unauthorized data access. Dashboard, metrics and auditing are offered across the entire stack, with CIO, CSO, IT manager and business user views.

"Traditional IAM implementations are process- and labor-intensive, which significantly drives up their costs," said Hemen Vimadalal, CEO, Simeio Solutions. "The specific skill sets needed to install these products come at a premium price. Sustainability is also an issue with ongoing operational costs such as support and hardware/software licensing. Lastly, the disjointed products that make up typical implementations create a management headache. These are all compelling reasons why Fortune 500 and federal, state and local government customers are moving their IAM infrastructure into the cloud. We designed DirectAXs after thousands of man-hours consulting with Fortune 500 companies and seeing their pain points. DirectAXs enables customers to reduce the complexity of their identity IT infrastructure and operating expenses so they can focus on their core business processes. At the end of the day, this allows organizations to have standardized best practices and repeatable processes."

Additional features of DirectAXs include:

--  Identity management, role management, compliance management and GRC in
    one package
--  Simple-to-use IAM capabilities leveraging best of breed vendor
--  Quick three step deployment process reduces customer costs
--  Leverage newest software versions without having to plan major
--  Directory services in the cloud, and sync with on-premise directories
--  Architected for multi-tenancy, scalability, reliability, fault
    tolerance & disaster recovery
--  Multi-tenant database schemas on Oracle DB
--  All data encrypted with customer specific encryption keys and 3DES
--  Support for SAML & SPML standards
--  Pay-as-you-go subscription pricing and reduced infrastructure
--  Comprehensive integration, management and reporting of your IAM
About Simeio Solutions

Simeio Solutions, LLC is a systems integration and compliance services company specializing in enterprise security consulting. Simeio provides business process, implementation, managed services and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in the areas of identity and access management (IAM), role-based access controls (RBAC), and IT governance, risk and compliance (IT-GRC). Simeio is headquartered in Hoboken, New Jersey and currently provides services to numerous Fortune 1000 companies. For more information, visit

Contact Information: Media Contact: Sandy Moul KCOMM Tel: (760) 448-5822 E-mail: