Source: Lois Paul & Partners - MA

CaseCentral Announces eDiscovery Connector for Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator

New Connector Leads to Elimination of EDD Processing Time and Fees for Enterprise Vault Customers

SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwire - January 27, 2010) - CaseCentral, the leader in secure, on-demand eDiscovery software for corporate counsel and law firms to simplify and take control of eDiscovery, today announced a new connector that integrates Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator with the cloud-based CaseCentral eDiscovery Platform. The integration between these two solutions eliminates the need for IT and legal departments to manually export and upload large amounts of data for legal review and reclaims the days and weeks spent processing data. Clients using the new connector will bypass EDD processing fees for data moved into CaseCentral from Enterprise Vault and simplify the handoff process, removing risk by eliminating the opportunity for error. The CaseCentral Connector for Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator will be demonstrated at LegalTech New York at the New York Hilton, February 1-3.

Many IT and legal departments already use Symantec Enterprise Vault to meet Information Management and Preservation needs, and use Symantec Discovery Accelerator to extend the search functionality of Enterprise Vault's email and file archiving software. Discovery Accelerator enables organizations to quickly conduct searches across the archive and quickly review for a litigation request, regulatory request or internal investigation. Once searches have been conducted, the connector automatically exports the results to the cloud-based CaseCentral eDiscovery Platform for legal teams to perform early case assessment, analysis, review and production.

"Automating and integrating the flow of data between enterprise archives and legal review tools will provide significant benefits to legal and compliance teams," said Dorothea Kennedy, ValueAct Capital. "The goal of this integration would be to provide greater control and transparency, as well as reduced cost and risk."

Elimination of Processing Time and Fees

Typically processing ESI takes days or weeks to prepare and can cost clients as much as $1,500 per gigabyte or more. Due to the API-level integration between Enterprise Vault and CaseCentral and the automation of data transfer, CaseCentral has eliminated standard processing fees for data received via the new connector and substantially reduced the amount of time spent processing data to prepare for review.

"By leveraging Symantec Enterprise Vault and its open architecture, the CaseCentral Connector further extends the value of an integrated content archive and helps to lower the cost of identifying and reviewing content relevant to a legal or regulatory matter," said Simon Jelley, senior director of product management for Enterprise Information Management Group, Symantec. "Together, CaseCentral and Symantec provide a powerful package for corporations that want to standardize their end-to-end e-discovery processes and eliminate EDD processing fees."

eDiscovery in the Cloud

More corporations and law firms are bringing eDiscovery in-house via the cloud. CaseCentral operates the industry's first integrated litigation support and eDiscovery software delivered via multi-tenant Cloud Computing / SaaS. In early 2009, CaseCentral delivered the first private cloud computing-based eDiscovery software platform with centralized data management and enterprise-class security, reducing the risks typically borne by clients when they transmit proprietary and confidential data outside the firewall. CaseCentral's platform delivers single-instance storage, and reduces risk with the eDiscovery industry's only enterprise-class disaster recovery and business continuity protocol to safeguard client data.

The adoption of SaaS and cloud computing-based software continues to rapidly increase as corporations and law firms utilize reliable and proven cloud-based systems for their clients' confidential information while drastically reducing application deployment time and receiving "instant on" availability for new matters. Initial cloud computing deployment and on-going maintenance costs are also much less than traditional on-premise software deployments. And, using the cloud provides virtually unlimited storage of data.

A recent Gartner, Inc. report, "Predicts 2010: Regulatory Changes and Business Demands Will Drive the Long-Delayed Adoption of Legal Discovery Technology" published November 17, 2009, states "Application service providers, software-as-a-service delivery models and 'cloud' solutions will dominate the review and analysis phases of e-discovery."(1)

"CaseCentral pioneered the integrated software approach to eDiscovery to minimize the risk, cost and time of eDiscovery processes," said Tom Thimot, CEO of CaseCentral. "We are pleased to partner with Symantec to integrate the leading enterprise archive with the leading cloud-based eDiscovery platform and usher in the era of on-demand, no-fee processing."

The CaseCentral Connector for Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator will be beta tested with clients in Q1CY2010 and will be generally available in late spring 2010. The connector will be demonstrated by CaseCentral at the 2010 LegalTech New York show at the New York Hilton, February 1-3. The connector will be available for purchase from CaseCentral.

About CaseCentral

Founded in 1994, CaseCentral is the leader in secure, on-demand eDiscovery software for corporations and law firms to simplify and take control of eDiscovery. CaseCentral enables repeatable, defensible and measurable business processes that significantly reduce eDiscovery risk, cost and time. The CaseCentral eDiscovery platform integrates early case assessment, processing, analysis, review and production capabilities, enabling customers to succeed with a single matter and seamlessly migrate to multi-matter, multi-party, multi-repository support within the same software platform. CaseCentral pioneered the use of process analytics, providing real-time measurement of review rates, quality rates and costs per document -- by matter, firm or user. CaseCentral has served more than 32 of the Fortune 100 and more than 83 of the AmLaw 100. For more information, call 1.800.714.2727 or visit, follow us on Twitter at or read 'Case in Point' cartoons, the lighter side of eDiscovery, at:

(1) "Predicts 2010: Regulatory Changes and Business Demands Will Drive the Long-Delayed Adoption of Legal Discovery Technology," by Gartner, Inc., John Bace, Debra Logan, Whit Andrews, November 17, 2009

Contact Information: Media Contact: Greg Funaro Lois Paul & Partners 781-782-5896