Source: London Stock Exchange plc.

Climate Exchange announces Monthly trading update

Isle of Man, UK--(Marketwire - February 3, 2010) -

Press release
3 February 2010

                       CLIMATE EXCHANGE PLC

        Monthly Trading Update for the European Climate Exchange,
the Chicago Climate Exchange and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange

Climate Exchange plc summarises the trading volumes for the month of
January 2010 for the European Climate Exchange (ECX), the Chicago
Climate Exchange (CCX) and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE).


*   2010 began with strong volumes amid relatively low price volatility.
    Total volumes reached 416m tonnes, up 45% year-on-year and with an
    average daily volume of over 20m tonnes

*   ECX saw its second highest volume month to date in daily futures
    (spot) with an average of 567,000 tonnes per day with an increasing
    market share

*   ECX open interest continues to grow and has reached nearly
    600,000 contracts. Phase 3 EUA trading activity is growing rapidly
    with over 9m tonnes of open positions in the Dec 13 contract, and
    450,000 tonnes in the Dec 14 contract.

*   ICE Futures Europe and ECX welcome their 103rd and 104th Members:
    Macquarie Bank Limited (also a Clearing Member) and Consus S.A.

*   CCFE Open Interest increased 45% over January 2009 although
    aggregate volumes are 16% lower than the same period last year

*   CCFE saw a record trading month in its Renewable Energy
    Certificate (RECs) complex with 1,490 contracts traded, including
    the first trade in its Massachusetts Compliance contracts

*   CCX volumes continue to be hampered by the stalemate on climate
    legislation in the U.S. Senate, and in particular, the limited
    provision of early action credits for corporate reductions and
    offset projects in current draft legislation

*   The U.S. submitted GHG reduction targets of 17% below 2005
    levels by 2020 to the U.N. in accordance with the Copenhagen Accord.
    In his State of the Union address, President Obama renewed his
    commitment to working with the Senate to advance bipartisan support
    for a comprehensive energy and climate bill

Total ECX Products (Contracts*)

                2010         2009     Change

January       416,423      287,977     45%

YTD           416,423      287,977     45%

Open Interest 599,948      407,905     47%

*1 contract equal to 1,000 EUAs/CERs

ECX EUA Futures Contract

                2010      2009    Change

January       320,398    209,118    53%

YTD           320,398    209,118    53%

Open Interest 295,992    172,206    71%

ECX EUA Options Contract

              2010        2009   Change

January       31,425     25,551   23%

YTD           31,425     25,551   23%

Open Interest 107,550    63,727   69%

ECX EUA Daily Futures Contract ('Spot') (launched 13 March 2009)

           2010   2009   Change

January   10,060    -      -

YTD       10,060    -      -

ECX CER Futures Contract (launched 14 March 2008)

              2010        2009      Change

January       50,364     44,008      15%

YTD           50,364     44,008      15%

Open Interest 135,680   111,772      21%

ECX CER Options Contract (launched 16 May 2008)

              2010      2009     Change

January       2,900     9,300      -69%

YTD           2,900     9,300      -69%
Open Interest 60,726   60,200        1%

ECX CER Daily Futures Contract (Spot) (launched 13 March 2009)

        2010      2009    Change

January 1,276       -       -

YTD     1,276       -       -

CCX CFI (Contracts)

        2010      2009     Change

January 2,870     33,494    -91%

YTD     2,870     33,494    -91%

CCFE (Contracts)

Total CCFE Products

                2010      2009      Change

January       43,333    51,599       -16%

YTD           43,333    51,599       -16%

Open Interest 94,082    64,675        45%

CCFE SFI and NFI Futures & Options Contracts

                2010     2009      Change

January       32,893    38,903      -15%

YTD           32,893    38,903      -15%

Open Interest 55,760    35,893       55%

CCFE Carbon Complex including CFI, RGGI, CCAR and CFI-US

                2010      2009   Change

January       8,930      12,331    -28%

YTD           8,930      12,331    -28%

Open Interest 35,312     20,502     72%

Other CCFE Products including IFEX and RECs

                2010   2009     Change

January       1,510     365       314%

YTD           1,510     365       314%

Open Interest 3,010   8,280       -64%

For breakdown of daily trades, please refer to websites as follows:




Richard Sandor, Executive Chairman of Climate Exchange plc, said: "The
continued lack of political progress and the disappointing outcome of
Copenhagen has obviously affected market sentiment and CCX volumes.
Nonetheless, Washington clearly remains committed to addressing climate
change. In his State of the Union address last week, President Obama
called on Congress to pass 'a comprehensive energy and climate bill
with incentives that will finally make clean energy the profitable kind
of energy in America.' At the same time regulators and investors are
increasingly weighing the risks associated with climate change, as
evidenced by last week's SEC vote on disclosures. These factors,
combined with the growing regional interest in cap and trade programs
in the U.S., bode well for domestic and global carbon markets and
Climate Exchange plc's growth potential."

Neil Eckert, Chief Executive Officer of Climate Exchange plc, said:"ECX
had another month of solid year on year growth. More pleasing is
the continued growth of Open Interest to 600,000 contracts. CCX
volumes continue to be disappointing and are expected to stay that way
until there is political progress. CCFE volumes have been less
severely impacted and once again the Open Interest, up 45% year on
year, is encouraging."


Richard Sandor, Chairman Climate Exchange plc and
Chairman & CEO Chicago Climate Exchange          001 312 554 3370
Neil Eckert, CEO Climate Exchange plc               0207 382 7801
Patrick Birley, CEO European Climate Exchange       0207 382 7818
Jonny Franklin-Adams and Simon Law, Fox-Pitt,
Kelton Limited                                      0207 065 2000
Peter Rigby/Alex Parry, Haggie Financial           0207 417 8989/
                                                   07813 808 738

About Climate Exchange plc

Climate Exchange plc is a holding company whose subsidiaries are
principally engaged in owning, operating and developing exchanges to
facilitate trading in environmental financial instruments including
emissions reduction credits in both voluntary and mandatory markets.
Its three main businesses are the European Climate Exchange (ECX) which
operates the leading derivatives exchange focused on compliance
certificates for the mandatory European Emissions Trading Scheme,
Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) which operates a voluntary but
contractually binding cap and trade system for greenhouse gas emissions
in the U.S., and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE) the
leading U.S. regulated environmental products exchange whosecontracts
include mandatory U.S. emissions such as SO2 , NOx and RGGI CO2.

About European Climate Exchange

The European Climate Exchange (ECX) manages product development and
marketing of futures, options and spot contracts based on CO2 EU
allowances (EUAs) traded under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and
Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) issued under the Kyoto Protocol.

ECX contracts are listed and traded on the ICE Futures electronic
platform, offering a central marketplace for emissions trading
alongside other energy commodities with standardised contracts and
clearing guarantees. ECX/ ICE Futures is the most liquid Exchange for
carbon derivatives trading. More than 100 businesses have signed up for
direct membership to trade ECX products. In addition, several thousand
ICE clients can access the market via banks and brokers.

About Chicago Climate Exchange, Inc. and Chicago Climate Futures

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is a financial services business whose
objectives are to apply financial innovation and incentives to advance
social, environmental and economic goals. CCX is the world's first and
North America's only contractually binding rules-based greenhouse gas
emissions allowance trading system, as well as the world's only global
system for emissions trading based on all six greenhouse gases. CCX
members are leaders in greenhouse gas management and represent all
sectors of the global economy, as well as public sector innovators.
Greenhouse gas emission reductions achieved through CCX are the only
reductions in North America being achieved through a legally binding
compliance regime. Independent third party verification is provided by
FINRA. For a full list of CCX members, daily prices and other Exchange
information please see the CCX website.

The Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE), a wholly owned subsidiary
of the Chicago Climate Exchange, is a CFTC designated contract market
which offers standardized and cleared futures contracts on emission
allowances and other environmental products. Clearing services are
provided by The Clearing Corporation. Market surveillance services are
provided by the National Futures Association, the industry wide,
self-regulatory organization for the U.S. futures industry.

                    This information is provided by RNS
          The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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