Source: Echo Media Group

Acupuncturists Help Heal Haiti

Nationwide Effort to Provide Much Needed Relief Through Acupuncture

JACKSONVILLE, FL--(Marketwire - February 22, 2010) - In the wake of the recent devastation in Haiti, a 3,000 year old-medicine will serve as a remedy for survivors and relief workers to combat stress and trauma. The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), the certifying body for professional acupuncturists, and The American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM), the national trade association for acupuncturists in the Unites States, have teamed up to promote Acupuncturists Without Borders' (AWB) relief efforts in Haiti and the benefits of acupuncture treatment for individuals affected by disaster.

"Many people are not aware of the healing effects of receiving acupuncture treatment during the aftermath of an overwhelming disaster such as the Haiti earthquake," said Dr. Kory Ward-Cook, CEO of the NCCAOM. "By bringing this medicine to the streets of Haiti, not only are acupuncturists improving thousands of lives, but they also bring public awareness to the value of this medicine during crisis situations."

Free, community-style acupuncture, provided by the volunteer-based organization, AWB, has been a source of relief for Haitians in need. AWB has mobilized a team of volunteer acupuncturists to treat those devastated by the recent earthquake. The organization is working closely with contacts at the Port-au-Prince General Hospital, Universite Quisqueya medical school, displaced camps in Port-Au-Prince, and many other grass roots organizations and international medical teams.

"Everyone in Haiti is suffering from some level of traumatic stress and/or post traumatic stress disorder," said Diana Fried, Executive Director of AWB. "We feel honored that our acupuncture treatments are welcome in Haiti, and that we can do our small part to help ease the suffering, and bring about some recovery for the body, minds and spirits of the Haitian people, whose lives we touch."

AWB's Haiti Disaster Recovery Program plans to send teams within the next few weeks and thereafter on an ongoing basis and expects to start trainings in Haiti within the next few months. The longevity of AWB's relief effort in Haiti will depend on the availability of funds, since cost of water, food, housing, and local transportation in Haiti are currently high.

Once people affected by this type of tragedy have water, shelter, food, and immediate medical attention, the need goes to the next critical step of mental, emotional, and spiritual care, along with ongoing physical care -- this is where acupuncture comes into play. Acupuncturists can provide significant calming relief in these situations.

"We are proud to work with the NCCAOM and AWB in continuing these efforts, so that more people can be given the opportunity of healing," said Deborah Lincoln, President of the AAAOM.

To get more information about donating or helping Acupuncturists Without Borders, please go to their website at


Acupuncturists Without Borders (AWB) provides immediate disaster relief and recovery to communities that are in crisis resulting from disaster or human conflict. AWB is committed to creating alliances with local community based organizations and treating all who have been affected -- survivors, first responders, emergency personnel and other care providers.


The mission of the NCCAOM is "to establish, assess, and promote recognized standards of competence and safety in acupuncture and Oriental medicine for the protection and benefit of the public." The NCCAOM can also serve as a wonderful resource for those seeking a nationally certified acupuncturist in their local community by going to and utilizing the NCCAOM Certification Registry Search Engine.


The AAAOM, an organization devoted to promoting the practice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine and educating consumers about its many benefits, has been instrumental in getting the word out about the healing powers of acupuncture during crisis times. American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM) Mission Statement: "To promote excellence and integrity in the professional practice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine, in order to enhance public health and well-being." To find out how acupuncture can benefit you, please see the AAAOM website, or call the AAAOM Office toll free at 1-866-455-7999.

Contact Information: Contact: Mina Larson NCCAOM 703-314-2908