Source: Aberdeen Group - Boston

Crossing the Chasm With Automated Lead Management

Forward Trends in Lead Management Adoption and Strategies for the Use of Lead Management Technologies

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - February 24, 2010) - Automated lead management technology can help identify prospects with a higher propensity to purchase based on individual behavior that is pre-defined in scoring methodologies. Over the past five years, this emerging technology sector has seen tremendous growth and validation. According to a new research study, Crossing the Chasm with Automated Lead Management, published by Aberdeen Group, a Harte-Hanks Company (NYSE: HHS), 71% of Best-on-Class organizations were using an automated lead management solution and 63% saw measurable ROI as a result of the investment. The study examined 205 organizations, where the Leaders represent the top 30% achieving the highest performance in revenue growth, lead to sales conversion, and click through rates.

"By late 2009, the benefits of automating customer engagement based on behavior increasingly started to cause B2B, B2C, and hybrid B2B2C companies to evaluate automated lead management," says the report's author Ian Michiels, Research Director, Customer Management Technology, Aberdeen Group. "We continue to see validation and acceptance of automated lead management tools. Of course, it's never as easy as investing in a tool," says Michiels, "it's really about the processes and organizational culture that are enhanced by the technology. Nevertheless, the capabilities these tools deliver are differentiating factors between Leading and all other companies. Today it's about personalization, relevance, and quality over quantity. The tools help deliver more engaging experiences for customers which lead to thicker pipelines at the top and bottom of the funnel."

A complimentary copy of this report is made available due in part by the following underwriters: Eloqua, Marketo, Silverpop, SmartLead by AdTrack visit:

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