Source: Engage121

Stroller Strides Supports National Women's Health Week

Fitness Program Franchise Company Says Women Can Make Exercise Fun

SAN MARCOS, CA--(Marketwire - April 14, 2010) -  Stroller Strides programs is encouraging women to honor National Women's Health Week, a weeklong celebration beginning on Mother's Day, May 9th

Designed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Women's Health, the nationwide initiative strives to empower women to make their health a top priority. Highlights of the campaign include recommendations for women in fitness, nutrition, healthcare, and avoiding risky behaviors, such as smoking and excess alcohol use.

"Women are so accustomed to taking care of others and it is common for them to put their own health on the back burner," said Lisa Druxman, founder of Stroller Strides. "Women should look and feel their best. Good health should not be considered a luxury."

Stroller Strides owners, who teach exercise classes to moms along with their babies, acknowledge that jam-packed schedules make eating well and exercising challenging for many women. The key to changing this pattern, Druxman says, is getting in -- and sticking to -- a routine that is convenient and fun. 

"National Women's Health Week presents an ideal opportunity for women to work on their diet or try a new type of exercise," said Druxman. "Whether they're stuck in a rut or haven't exercised in months, now is the time for them to take charge and make changes."

"During National Women's Health Week it is important to educate our wives, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, and girlfriends about the steps they can take to improve their health and prevent disease. Remind women that taking care of themselves is essential to living longer, healthier, and happier lives," emphasized Frances Ashe-Goins, Acting Director of the Office of Women's Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Stroller Strides, a total fitness program for new moms with exercises they can do with their babies, incorporates power walking with intervals of strength and body toning using exercise tubing and the stroller. All classes are taught by nationally certified instructors, and focus on improving cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility.

For more information on Stroller Strides, please visit