The decisions adopted in the Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of VST AB on April 30, 2010

The Ordinary General shareholders meeting of VST AB, held on April 30, 2010,
adopted the following decisions: 

1. The item of agenda “The consideration of the 2009 annual report of VST, AB”:
1.1. Accept the 2009 annual report of VST, AB (attached).

2. The item of agenda “Approval of the 2009 set of financial statements of VST,
2.1. Approve the 2009 set of financial statements of VST, AB audited by the
audit company UAB „PricewaterhouseCoopers“ (attached). 

3. The item of agenda “Distribution of 2009 profit (loss) of VST, AB”:
3.1. Approve the distribution of 2009 profit (loss) of VST, AB:

Retained earnings at the beginning of the financial year	179.923.547
LTL	52.109.461,02 EUR 
Net annual operating result (profit/loss)	4.631.177 LTL	1.341.281,57 EUR
Profit (loss) of the financial year that is unrecognized in the profit (loss)
statement	152.894.189 LTL	44.281.217,85 EUR 
Shareholders contributions to cover losses	0 LTL	0 EUR
Transfers from reserves	0 LTL	0 EUR
Total distributable profit (loss):	337.448.913 LTL	97.731.960,44 EUR
Distribution of profit:	7.807.796 LTL 	2.261.294,02 EUR
- profit allocation to the compulsory reserve	0 LTL	0 EUR
- profit allocation to the reserve to purchase company‘s own shares	0 LTL	0 EUR
- profit allocation to other reserves	0 LTL	0 EUR
- profit allocation to pay out dividends (profit allocation to pay out
dividends per share - 2,10 LTL/0,61 EUR)	7.807.796 LTL	2.261.294,02 EUR 
- profit allocation to yearly pay outs to board and council members, employee
bonuses and other purposes (including relief)	0 LTL	0 EUR 
Retained earnings carried forward to next financial year 	329.641.117
LTL	95.470.666,42 EUR 

4. The item of agenda “Formation of Audit Committee of VST, AB”:
4.1. According to Article 52 of the Law of Audit, to assign for the Board of 
VST,AB, to frame the proposal to formulate the Audit Committee and to submit it
to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of VST, AB. 

5. The item of agenda “Election of the member of the Board of VST, AB“:
5.1. To elect Kęstutis Žilėnas, personal ID <...>, address <...>, to the
company's Board until the end of tenure of the current Board. 
5.2. To set that the new member of the Board starts their duties from the end
from the shareholders meeting that has elected him. 

The right to receive dividends shall have those persons, which on the end of
the record date, i.e. on the end of May 14, 2010, shall be the shareholders of
VST, AB. The dividends to such persons should be paid according to the
paragraph 60 part 4 of the Lithuanian Republic Law on Companies, i.e. in one
month from the adoption day of the decision to pay dividends, payment being
made through the company's shareholders' issuer accountants and the company's
(issuer's) issuer accountant - “Swedbank”, AB. 

More information the decisions adopted in the Ordinary General Shareholders
Meeting of VST, AB can be found on the web page of the company 

Rimantas Vaitkus
Chief Executive Officer

Person for contacts:
Jolita Faktorovičienė
Lawyer of Legal Department
Phone (8~5) 278 1270

