Source: LaunchSquad

Gray Line Challenges Tourists to Explore San Francisco by Playing SCVNGR

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - June 10, 2010) - Ever jump on a tour bus and wish you could do more than sit, walk and talk? Like play a game through the city? Now you can!

Starting today, sightseers who hop on a Gray Line tour bus in San Francisco will be able to play their way through the city on SCVNGR.

Gray Line has built a trek on SCVNGR featuring challenges in four hotspots throughout the city, including Pier 39 and the Embarcadero. Challenges like: Snap a picture of your favorite chocolate treat at Ghiradelli Square and get two points! Name the special drink at Café Vesuvio made with brandy and lemon for three! Or, hike up the famous "crooked street" and snap a triumphant pic from the top for five!

"Building this trek on SCVNGR is a great way to extend the tour experience off of the trolleys and into the sites," said Brad Weber, President & CEO at Gray Line Worldwide. "Now, by simply doing Gray Line's challenges on SCVNGR, our guests can learn about local history, discover major landmarks and experience the fun and quirky culture that San Francisco exudes. Where better than San Francisco to launch something like this?"

SCVNGR's Chief Ninja, Seth Priebatsch, said, "We're stoked about Gray Line using SCVNGR as an exciting new way to engage tourists. It just feels like such a natural fit. Hop on Gray Line tour buses. Travel to awesome places in the city. Do quick fun challenges on SCVNGR. Earn points and experience the city like never before!"

SCVNGR is part game, part game platform. Playing SCVNGR is all about going places, doing challenges and earning points. SCVNGR can be played for free from any mobile phone via iPhone app or Android app. Any individual or enterprise can also build on SCVNGR by adding challenges at their favorite locations. SCVNGR is funded by Google Ventures and Highland Capital Partners. Visit to learn more.

Contact Information:

Media Contacts:
LaunchSquad for SCVNGR
Mike Farber or Katie Cinnamond
Scvngr [at] launchsquad [dot] com
Boston office: 617-452-0812