Source: Taglich Brothers Inc

Taglich Brothers Initiates Coverage on Competitive Technologies, Inc.

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - June 21, 2010) - Taglich Brothers, Inc. announces it initiated coverage of Competitive Technologies, Inc.

Competitive Technologies, Inc. (NYSE Amex: CTT), headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut, offers technology transfer services. CTT licenses technologies from clients, obtaining licenses or rights to intellectual property on a broad array of technologies from universities, companies, inventors and patent or intellectual property holders. The company's intellectual property portfolio includes rights to technology in life sciences (healthcare), electronics, nano science and physical sciences.

Licenses and rights licensed by CTT from clients are in turn licensed or sub-licensed to customers, including large multinationals seeking to augment their product development efforts and enlarge their pipelines. Customers pay CTT license fees, royalties, or a share of per procedure or per unit revenue. Since its inception, CTT has licensed nearly 500 technologies to corporations and shared over $100 million in shared technology revenues with universities and inventors.

Near-term growth efforts are based on the commercialization of a medical device that CTT acquired rights to in 2007. The product, FDA-approved and CE marked, is eligible for regulatory clearance in most of the world's major medical markets. The MC5-A, also known as the Calmare Pain Therapy device, could potentially gain wide acceptance as a treatment for neuropathic and oncologic pain that has not responded to pharmaceutical or device-based pain therapy.

The complete 20-page report is available at

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All research issued by Taglich Brothers, Inc. is based on public information. In April 2010 the company paid an initial monetary engagement fee of US$2,000 to Taglich Brothers, Inc. representing payment for the first month of creation and dissemination of research reports, after which the company will pay Taglich Brothers, Inc. a monetary fee of US$2,000 per month for such services.

Contact Information:

Richard Oh
Taglich Brothers, Inc.