Handelsbanken's interim report January - June 2010

Summary January - June 2010, compared with January - June 2009

  * Profit after tax for total operations increased to SEK 5,426 million (5,294)
    and earnings per share amounted to SEK 8.73 (8.49)
  * Tier 1 capital increased to SEK 86.6 billion (83.2) and the Tier 1 ratio
    according to Basel II went up to 14.8 percent (12.6)
  * Return on equity for total operations was 12.8 percent (13.1)
  * Operating profit for continuing operations increased to SEK 7,331 million
  * Income decreased to SEK 15,662 million (16,606) and expenses fell to SEK
    -7,411 million (-7,520)
  * During the first half of the year, the Bank refinanced a bond volume of SEK
    170 billion corresponding to all maturing bonds up to February 2011 and the
    liquidity reserve exceeded SEK 550 billion
  * Net interest income went down to SEK 10,398 million (11,031)
  * The average volume of lending decreased by 2 percent and household deposits
    in Sweden grew by 4 percent
  * Net fee and commission income went up by 10 percent to SEK 3,971 million
  * The loan loss ratio decreased to 0.12 percent (0.23), with loan losses
    amounting to SEK -920 million (-1,835)

Summary of Q2 2010, compared with Q1 2010

  * Profit after tax for total operations went down to SEK 2,573 million (2,853)
    and earnings per share amounted to SEK 4.14 (4.59)
  * Operating profit for continuing operations decreased to SEK 3,539 million
  * Income decreased to SEK 7,653 million (8,009) and expenses increased to SEK
    -3,745 million (-3,666)
  * Loan losses went down to SEK -369 million (-551), and the loan loss ratio
    dropped to 0.09 percent (0.14)
  * Return on equity for total operations was 12.0 percent (13.5)
  * The average lending volume increased by SEK 18 billion and the volume of
    credit commitments by SEK 13 billion

For further information, please contact:
Pär Boman, President and Group Chief Executive
phone +46 8 22 92 20

Ulf Riese, CFO
phone: +46 8 22 92 20

Mikael Hallåker, Head of Investor Relations
phone: +46 8-701 29 95,miha11@handelsbanken.se



Handelsbankens interim report January - June 2010.pdf